chapter 15- Birthday Boy

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your pov:

     It's October 28, aka Spencer's birthday. Aka my boyfriend's birthday. I smile at that... boyfriend. My heart flutters like a school girl with a crush.
     I get out of bed and get ready for work, throwing on a blue button up tucked into dark jeans and boots. My makeup look today is the same as always, light foundation/ concealer, mascara, blush, nude eyeshadow, and a lip tint. I curl my blonde hair and tie it up into a mid ponytail.
     I grab my purse and keys from my kitchen island counter, and head out of my apartment. We're all here early, which we didn't even actually plan. Spencer hasn't arrived at the BAU yet. I go into my office and put my things down, waiting for him to get here.
     The elevator dings and Spencer walks in with a yawn. "Sorry my alarm went off later than usual." I did that, I changed his alarm 10 minutes later when we was at my apartment yesterday.
     "Happy birthday to you!" We sing and JJ carries in a cake with candles in the shape of the number 2 and 9.
     "Oh, thanks guys." He says awkwardly looking at all of us.
     "Blow out the candles!" Emily says.
     He does and smiles up at us.
     "Happy birthday, kid," Rossi says, and claps him on the back.
     We all eat some cake together, and I bring Spencer a cup of coffee with four packs of sugar.
     "Thanks," he smiles.
     We meet in the briefing room for a few minutes about an old case. Rossi and Hotch will be interviewing a man on death row about a series of murders he committed two decades ago. One was his own mother.
     Spencer gives us his insights of some things to say to finally get a confession. Our bosses take mental notes.
     The rest of us are just to fill out paper work and be on the lookout for some new cases. JJ and I are supposed to answer some calls about cases that aren't really the BAU's, but ones we can help with.
     Spencer knocks at my door after I get off the phone with a detective in Maine. "Hey," I smile up at him.
     "Actually I'm glad you came in here. I'm taking you out tonight."
     "I'm taking you out, on a date. Our first official date for your birthday."
     "You don't have to..."
     "Um I'm going to."
     "What if we get caught?"
     "So what? It's your birthday and I'm picking you up at 9," I tell him.
     "Okay. Thank you."
     "Don't thank me yet," I wink.

     "You feel like clubbing tonight, kid?" Morgan asks Spencer a bit before it's time for us to go home.
     "Um, no I have plans."
     "Oh come on! Sitting at home reading quantum physics is not plans. Let's go out, meet some ladies."
     I walk by and Spencer makes a choking noise.
     "What about you, pretty girl? What're you doing tonight?"
     "I'm going to go out with some girls." I lie.
     "Can I meet some of your hot friends?"
     "Not a chance, Morgan."
     I smile at Morgan and Spencer before heading to the elevator. "See you tomorrow boys."
      When I get back to my apartment, it's almost 7pm. I take a really quick shower, lathering my skin in vanilla scented soaps. I shave pretty much my entire body, making sure not to knick myself.
     I wash my face for the second time today, and do the same with my makeup. Tonight though, I go for a more dramatic look. My hair is still curled a bit, I just touch it up and leave it down.
      Staring in the mirror, I see my reflection in a silky red dress I bought a few months ago, but never had the confidence to wear. It hugs my curves and my not entirely flat stomach, but that part I don't care about. I slip on black heels then spritz myself with perfume.
     I grab my small bag with just a few essentials in it.  I knock at Spencer's door after the half hour drive to his place.
     He opens it, standing in dark grey pants, a pale blue button up dress shirt, a dark grey tie, and dark shoes.
     "You look great," we end up saying at the same time. We laugh together too.
     "Seriously, you look," he swallows, "really good."
    "Well thanks, Spencie. You ready to go?"
     "Yeah," he nods.
     When we get in the car, I hand him something.
     "You got me flowers?"
     "Actually, my neighbor was throwing them out. But why not give them to you?" He chuckles at my answer.
     I take him to a nice restaurant in D.C.
"Don't you have to have reservations for this place?" Spencer asks when we walk in arm in arm.
"Watch this." I go up to the man at the front desk, and come back to Spencer quickly.
"Right this way," he leads us to our table.
"How did you do that?"
"You flashed him your badge didn't you."
"Yep, works like a charm." I say, and he laughs at my statement.
We sit down at a table for two in the corner of the restaurant. A candle lit chandelier hangs above us leaving a soft light. The building is fairly big, but not too. There's couples and rich families around us that normally I would pay attention to. But tonight is all about Spencer.
"What are you going to order?" I ask and he looks at the menu.
"Hmm. Not sure."
We order drinks, just water and some wine, and scope out the menu again. When the waitress returns, I order us a plate of fancy real Italian pasta and bruschetta al pomodoro which is classy garlic bread.
"That sounds expensive," Spencer remarks.
"Eh. Anything for you."
"You really didn't have to do this."
"Spencer. Shush. I wanted to."
"Okay," he looks down and blushes.
     Our food is brought to our table about 20 minutes later along with another glass of wine for the both of us. I take small sips, trying to stay as sober as possible.
      The plate is about as big as my head. We are given two littler plates for each of us. It's exquisite.
     "So good," I say while still chewing my pasta.
     Spencer laughs and leans over the table to wipe off my mouth. A pink blush shines on my cheeks.
     We talk about life, and each other, and work, and the people around us in between enjoying our dinner.  He tells me more about his mother and I share about my father. His childhood was rough, but I'm glad he came out of it the way he did.
     "I guess I'm sort of a mess," he chuckles nervously.
     "We're all a little messy, it's life." I smile.
     I pay the bill and Spence leaves the tip. Good thing there were only two of us and we shared or else I would've been flat broke after tonight.

1185 words I really debated there being an incident at the restaurant, but I couldn't not give Spencie a good birthday🥺

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