chapter 20- Holiday (Inn)Trouble

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(lmao the name of this chapter💀)

your pov:

Christmas morning.

     The tree in our living room is lit, presents piled up underneath it. We've never had a real tree because Elijah is allergic to them, but this one is just as nice.
     Zoey wakes us up yelling "Santa came! Santa came!"
     We sit on the couches, Luke, mom, and I on one, and Emma and Elijah on the other, and Zoey sits on the floor, digging into her gifts. A big toothy, and lack of some teeth, smile is plastered on her face the whole morning.
     She opens the gifts from Santa first, then the ones from me and Luke, then the ones from Mom, and lastly, the gifts from her parents.
     We all open our gifts and exchange thank yous and hugs.

     I'm sitting on the couch, cuddled up with a blanket and warm coffee when a knock on the door startles me.
     I open it and see someone I haven't seen in a while. "Logan?" I ask in shock.
     "Y/n? I haven't seen you since high school!"
     "Yeah no kidding!" I say.
     "I was bringing this to your mom," he says, handing me a platter of cookies. "I didn't expect to see you, which now that I think of it why wouldn't you be home on Christmas?"
     I chuckle, setting down the platter on our dining room table. "Do you want to catch up?"
     "Yeah!" he says. I go into my room to change into jeans, a sweater, and my brown boots.
     "Okay let's go," I say and lead the walk down the road.
     "You've changed a lot since last time we spoke."
     "Well last time we spoke I was 16 and still had braces."
     He laughs. "I remember that!"
     "Yeah, I was such a nerd."
     "A little bit," Logan chuckles.
     I bump his shoulder playfully and be bumps mine back. "So how've you been?"
     "I've been good, keeping up my parents store on my free time."
     I look down at my feet. "Sorry about your mom."
     "It's okay. So you're like a big FBI agent now, huh? That's impressive."
     "Yeah I'm a profiler at the BAU."
     "The BAU?"
     "Behavioral analysis unit. We focus on the why and how more than the what."
     "Oh cool."
     "Yeah," I breathe.
     We talk for a while more until we reach the coffee shop.
     "You know, after you graduated early, high school was so boring."
     "Oh whatever, Logan. You were such a party animal you probably barely remember high school. I was boring anyway."
     "No you weren't!"
     Logan was one of my best friends in school. We'd known each other since we were ten, but when I left for Boston, I didn't really talk to any of them.
     "So you're not married and I didn't hear about it, are you?"
     I laugh. "You're oddly not the first person to ask me if I was married since I left Virginia."
     He tilts his head at me questioning.
     "Some lady on the plane."
     "Ah okay."
     "I have a boyfriend though," I say smiling.
     "His name is Spencer."
     "Well he's one lucky guy."
     "Thanks," I smile again.
     We walk back to my home, and I give Logan a hug before he leaves. I check my phone and see I have a miss call from Hotch.
     "Hey Hotch. Do we have a case?"
     "Sorta," his voice is soft. "Spencer's been missing since last night."
     "What?" I say.
     "His mom or her doctors haven't seen him since last night when he went to his hotel. They called and he hasn't answered. We sent someone to check his room, MIA."
     "Shit. I'm coming back to Quantico. Just give me a little bit."
     "No, Y/n. Stay home."
     "Me being here isn't going to help Spencer."
     "I know this is hard, and you care for him, but you being here isn't going to help him either. You're too close to this."
     "So are all of you!"
     "That's why it's not our case right now. Just stay home, I'll call you for updates."
     "Fine," I say, and that's the first time I've ever given my boss an attitude.
     How the fuck is Spencer missing? I hope he's okay. My heart starts to race as all the bad scenarios go through my head.
     I can't help but feel guilty that I was with an old friend while Spencer is in need. The fight we had two weeks ago runs through my head.
     I was stressing out and upset. Spencer started rambling about I don't even remember.

     "Shut up, Reid!" I yell.
     He looks at me shocked and upset.
     "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I-"
     "I should go," he says.
     "No. I-"
     "I should go." He gets up and leaves my apartment, leaving me feeling guilty and sad.
     Then I remember... the deluded.

Spencer's pov:

     The last time I was in this situation runs through my mind. The needle, the man, the screens.
     My kidnapper enters the room where I'm being held, and he's wearing a black ski mask over his head. I can tell he's male because of his build, and the way he carries himself.
"Do you know why you're here?" he asks.
I shake my head. "No, tell me."
"I saw your badge. You're FBI. Evil. Government is evil." He stammers.
"I'm not evil, I help people."
"Stop lying!"
I breathe out a rigged breath. I think he's schizophrenic. Like my mom.

your pov:

I knew about the addiction Spencer had for a while. It was a little over a year before I joined the team, but he told me bits and pieces of the story. He'd been kidnapped by an unsub with dissociative identity disorder. Multiple personalities.
If something... if something happens to Spencer, I don't even know what I'll do. I need him to return home safely. I need my Spencer to be safe.
I scroll through the messages, making myself even more anxious.
"Merry Christmas, babe!" my text from this morning reads. No response. He didn't even see it.
Tears fall onto my phone before I even realize I'm crying. My lips quiver as I hope and wish that he's at least somewhat okay.
My brother comes into the room and sees me crying. "What's wrong?"
"Something happened to Spencer," I say in almost complete sobs.
"Is he de-"
"No, but he could be soon if we don't find him."
Luke pulls me into a hug and lets me cry on his shoulder.

"May I speak to Diana Reid?" I say on the phone with the institution Spencer's mother is at.
They take a minute to get her on the phone. "Hello?"
"Hello," I almost whisper. "This agent y/n y/l/n. Do you know about your son?"
"Yes I do."
"I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry."
"They'll find him," she says.
"I'm glad you believe that, Mrs Reid."
"Spencer's brilliant. He'll be okay."
"So you're the girlfriend?" She asks me through the phone.
"Yes ma'am," I say, wiping away a tear.
"They'll find him, y/n."
"Thank you, Mrs Reid."
"Call me Diana."
"Thank you, Diana."
And with that, our phone call ends. How can she possibly know that he'll be okay? Maybe I need to be more hopeful. But it's hard when the guy you love is in danger.

I sit biting my nails waiting on any news from Hotch. It's a habit I have any time I'm worried or stressed, but I haven't done it since college.

I still sit on the couch at 2am waiting by my phone. My family is all asleep, except for Luke who sits with me.
I finally get a call from Hotch around 2:38.
"FBI says they have a suspect. They just have to find him."
"I wish I could help." I breathe.
"I know, Y/n. Just try and get some sleep, I'll call you as soon as I hear anything else."
"You know I won't sleep."
"I know, me neither. I'm sorry, Y/n."
"Me too."
Luke looks at me with sympathetic eyes. "Anything?"
"They think they have a suspect."
"Well that's something," he says hopefully.
"But they can't find him."
"Shit. I'm so sorry, Y/n."
I nod my head, fighting more tears.

thanks for reading! stay tuned for chapter 21! be sure to vote, comment, and check out my other story "not so innocent":) much love hope there's not too many mistakes, I found a few in earlier chapters lol

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