The End

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It had been 2 weeks. 2 weeks since everything went down.  Both of them felt bad as hell, but neither would admit it. Because that's not what newsies do. They don't apologize. They don't admit they love someone. And they especially don't cry unless it's absolutely necessary.   Either way, when Race hadn't been himself ( even with his sarcasm returned ) everyone noticed, even some of his reoccurring clients noticed he wasn't perky.
"You okay?"
"Hasn't seen Spot in 2 weeks. 'Course he ain't okay."
"Shut up."
Race said coldly, turning to face the other direction.
"Calm down Racer. Just a joke."
He turned back around and glared at the two newsies who had been talking to him, scaring them off into the other. He didn't want to admit it, but god did he miss Spot Conlon.
He wanted to apologize. But Spot also wanted Race to apologize first. He couldn't loose his position and the toughest and most feared leader in Brooklyn. Not to mention the whole entire newsies community. Nobody else needed to find out but if someone did-
He couldn't risk it.
Pulling the plug still didn't seem like the best approach, but what could they do? Spot didn't deserve Race and while he didn't wanna say, that was the other reason he took Hotshot's advice. Because Race deserved some who wasn't gonna get angry at the slightest things. He deserved someone with riches and gold, not half a bedroom with his own sink. Even after Race had practically fought his way into the arena of Spots heart, Spot still didn't think he deserved Race. He could handle everything, except for his own self-worth and feelings. And sure, he still loved him. Holy shit. He loved him. And he'd completely blocked him out. Spot started to freak out, he grabbed the table and pulled himself up.
"Goin' to bed."
He stumbled down the hall and into his room. Holy shit holy shit holy shit. It had hit him that he'd never loved someone so much, and now..he'd lost him. It terrified him, that it was, Presumably, for good. It was like Race had died. Spot looked under the bed at the R+S Race had carved, just a few weeks ago. It seemed like millions of years ago. It was corny, Spot knew. It was some heteronormative thing that had been started god knows how long ago, but it still meant a lot at the time. I lost him. I lost him
I lost him. I never thought this would happen. The world was spinning. I didn't think it was possible to love a person as much as I love you. Spot felt like he would collapse, so he laid himself on the bed. Normally, he wouldn't be going to sleep so early. I can't stop thinking about you and I didn't ask for this. Spot had been known as a bitch, but never in his 14 almost 15 years of life had he been a heartbreaker. The words 'did you ever actually love me?' were haunting. Because of course he loved him. He still did love him. For some reason I'm attracted to you and it's made my life heaven and hell. He couldn't sleep. No. There was to much on his mind and he feared if he slept he wouldn't wake up. He knew the only thing that could calm him down at this point was Race, but there was no way in hell he was walking two miles in freezing weather just to get rejected. So he started crying. There was nobody around and he couldn't let himself remember the last time a single tear dropped from his eye. The cries turned into weeps turned into silent sobs. Because holy shit, he'd screwed up.
"Race you has get up."
"I ain't."
He said stubbornly, burrowing his face into the pillow.
"Somethins' happening over in Brooklyn."
"Hell, let it happen. I don't care."
Race mumbled, throwing his pillow.
"It's with Spot,"
"Great. I care even less."
Jack groaned, tugging on Race's arm. He would get him out of bed, and once he did, he'd tell Race that something had leaked and there was a plan to get rid of Spot, and a few Brooklyn Newsies who weren't heartless were not going to be enough to stop it from happening. Then, he'd tell him that he told all the Newsies in the house about the two, and kicked out approximately 3 because they didn't accept his best friend. The rest of them did. And then he'd say he told Kath about Davey and him, and she wasn't mad about it because the heart is a strange thing, but you should follow it. But first he'd have to get him out of bed. With all his strength, Jack picked Race up and put him on the cold, wood floor.
"They wants to kill 'im. Push him of Brooklyn bridge."
"He's such a little ass he-wait, what?"
Race's eyes widened, his heart sank, all at the same time.
"Well come on!! We gotta go!! Don't just stand there! Move! I'm going now-right the hell now!! Grab Davey, grab Davey and Katherine and whoever and get over there soon as possible!!"
Race bolted up, faster then ever. He tumbled down the stairs and pushed open the door violently, greeted with a refreshing fresh gust of winter air. It started to snow. 'Shit, shit. He'll freeze to death!" Suddenly all the remaining hatred in his heart for the boy evaporated, and all he could think about was making sure he was safe in his bed tonight, even if it meant that Race wasn't. He tried to run before the snow making a blanket on the ground prevented it. He pushed through the crowds of people on the street and across the bridge, nowhere in his mind could he think to apologize. A hoard of people crowded near the dock. There he was. A couple a Newsies stood outside the circle of people, he knew Spot was in the middle and he knew he had to get to him.
"Let me through."
A punch was thrown to his face.
"So? You? You're the fag Spot's been seein'? If he's gonna be queer he could at least have good taste."
The two snickered, Race threw a punch. They threw 2 back, with double the force. He closed a sore eye and shoved through them. The screaming around everyone stung his ears, elbows were being pushed in every which way, and legs were being kicked. By the time Race got to the center of the circle he could barely see and his ribs were practically broken all over again. Race grabbed onto Spot, he was practically blind but he could feel the other boys shirt in his hands and he would not let go. Spot tried to grab back, but the two boys were tugged out of each other's arms. Race was practically prying at Spot's shirt but the strength of 4 Brooklyn Newsies mixed with the sting, sweat and blood of his beat and bruised body was too much for him to handle. He let his shirt go. He could hear the screams of other newsies around him, weather it be cries of "let them be!" Or "get rid of them!". Out of the corner of his eye Race caught Jack and Davey being jumped by some other Queens kids.
He screamed, as the other boys held him back. Race watched as they tied wooden blocks to his feet and tied his hands behind his back. They blindfolded him, and pushed. Race screamed as the love of his life fell into the dark waters off the dock. And suddenly, something that had never even remotely bubbled up inside of him, did. He elbowed, kicked, and bit his way out of the tight grip of Newsies. He pushed his way through the ones who had just pushed Spot into the water. Without hesitation he kicked off his shoes and dove in. The freezing water pressed against his body.  it was a miracle that it wasn't iced over yet. Race reached down as far as he could and felt something. Spot. He thanked god for the smallness of him and yanked him up, kicking his feet rapidly. Race burst through the water and dragged Spot over to the ladder to climb up. He looked around before hoisting himself up and realized that some sort of Calvary had come and fought off the majority of Brooklyn Newsies. One of them rushed over to help pull Spot out of the water. After he was laid on the dock one of the Specs explained CPR to Race, who took it upon himself to do it. Davey, Jack and some other kid untied the wood from Spot's feet while someone else untied his hands, and Race tried to give him some air. Chest compressions, mouth to mouth, repeat. Race did this multiple times, all with the background noise of fist fights and crying, plus his own.
"come on Spot.."
He mumbled.
Race said, escalating his voice so that he was screaming through tears. And then, before Race could lose all hope in humanity, Spot coughed.
"Spot! Youse-you actually-how-am I?-is you?"
Spot finished coughing and smirked. After a that he still managed to pull a smile out.
"Ya worried about me Higgins?"
"Yah! You okay? Do you need something? Of course ya do, ya practically came back to life!"
Race said, exasperated. Spot pecked him on the cheek before getting up.
"Spottie you really shouldn't-"
"Just a sec-"
Spot stood up on a table, so that everyone had a better view. He cleared his voice and the chatter fell.
"I'm alive thank god. Now.."
He paused, and looked around.
Davey and Jack shoved a group of boys forward, and, like promised, Spot snapped his fingers. A couple of the kids from the unknown Calvary scooped them and heaved them away to god knows where.
"I'm going to hell anyway."
He mumbled, smiling.
"Carry on."
Spot hopped down from the table and sat down next to Race on the dock.
"You saved my life. Ya could've gotten hypothermia."
"Yes. I could've. I wasn't thinkin'. Is you okay?"
Spot laughed.
"I'm fine. Stop askin'."
"No! I-I-I-I thought I was gonna loose ya! was terrifying! I ain't-"
"Shut up."
Spot said, tugging him in. Their lips met and Race thought that this would never happen again.
"Okay, okay."
Race said pulling away.
"Listen Spottie you're a great kisser but-"
Race gestured vaguely to the 2 dozen Newsies that were surrounding like 2 miles around them. Everyone cleared out after a few minutes, though the two were still entwined in each others arms on the dock.
"I love you. I never stopped. I-"
Spot's mouth went dry.
"You jumped in ice cold water to save me. Even after I..." He paused. He had fucked up big time.
"You stupid, stupid boy."
"Love you too Sean." Spot smiled. It was over. It was all over. And he could be happy again, even though he knew life would never be perfect. There would be defeats and victories. But they'd get through it together.

End Of  Story🌙

After Note!
Whoa! I can't believe I finished this! I've been working on it since late July and tomorrow is the first of November so this is really something! Happy Halloween, by the way! If you go trick or treating tonight, have fun! If you went yesterday I hope you had an awesome time :)
Again, thank you so so so so much for actually sticking with me through the process of this story🤪, I'm glad so many of you enjoyed it so much! A couple days ago it was number 3 in Sprace and that's fucking insane. I'm very happy my writing made an impression on all of you, it warms my heart all the kind things you've said about it! I really hope you enjoyed. Newsies forever 💛

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