Chapter One: Pilot

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For centuries the world has been at war with itself. Yet, not many people knew. There were two sides of this war, the Assassins Creed, and the Templar's.

Both sides fought viciously across time. Ranging from the Italian Renaissance, the American Civil War, all the way in the hot desert of Egypt, in the cold tundra-like area of Greenland, to Britain, to Greece. Assassins and Templar's have always been around, and have always been the key reason conflict seems to rise.

The Creed fought for the people to be freed and have their own free will. Yet the Templar's sought for the world of a Hive Mind, meaning no one could be original, no one could think for themselves, and no one would have free will of choice.

Even today, the war still goes on in the city of Utica, New York. Tactics have changed, from cannons to guns, rapiers to common modern day swords. Nothing was the same. The only thing that remained of the original creed, was the three tenets of which they followed.

Stay your blade from the flesh of innocent.

Hide in plain sight.

NEVER compromise the Brotherhood.

And the Templar's were the same, all they have left to their name was their ideals and their words of wisdom, "May the father of understanding guide us."

No true end has been sought, but that just means that this war has only, just begun.

Tuesday, January 10th, 2013

A young girl of 13 walked into a hospital in Utica City. Tears were streaming down her face from both pain and sorrow. She was directed to the floor her best friend in, the whole world was staying in.

As soon as she stepped in, a wave of guilt washed over her, "I... I'm sorry, if I was stronger I could have protected you from them." She whispered, her voice wavering and cracking as she looked at her best friend.

Her best friend was a fourteen year old boy with brown hair and hazel eyes. Wires and needle-ends stuck out of him from every angle, a large bandage wrapped tightly around his chest. The steady beeping of a heart monitor echoed quietly in the room.

"'s fine ie, I'm okay, I'm strong!" The boy chuckles quietly before immediately groaning in pain.

"Hey! Be careful please, I don't want you to die on me here. Me going away from you is already painful enough!" She half-yelled at her friend.

"You're... going away?" He looked over at her, disbelief in his eyes.

"I don't want to, my family says we have to go now, they want to leave the creed... " She spoke softly, avoiding eye contact with him.

"But does that mean we can't be friends...?" He voice quivered as he spoke.

She shook her head in response, "No silly, we'll always be friends, best friends forever!"

"Promise...?" He looked up at her, hope written in his hazel eyes.

"Promise!" She giggled as she smiled brightly at him.

September 9, 2020

The wind chilled his stony figure as he looked out over the city from the top of Union Station, an old and slightly faded picture in his hand. "Promise my ass... Where did you go, ie...?" He sighed softly as he turned his back to the quiet city and stared up into the black void of the night sky.

A feminine voice crackles to life on the other end of an ear piece, "Alpha, targets on the move, she's within your vicinity."

"Roger," He whispered as he flipped his hood up onto his head, cowl going over his eyes as he jumped off the roof of the building onto one of the trains in the empty train-yard behind the station.

Assassins Creed Fan Story : Part One: ConnectionWhere stories live. Discover now