Chapter 6: Regrets

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Previously on Assassins Creed Part One, Connections

Ally yelled out in anger as she attacked the brute with all she had as Chad and Luna worried about the grunts on the left side, shoving back grunts and brutes as Luna dashed towards Cameron and slid down beside his wounded figure. They immediately got to work on a quick patch up job.

Chad grabbed Ally by the arm, she had just brutally killed the brute that had attacked Cameron. As soon as someone grabbed her arm, she quickly whirled around and decked them in the face, Chad stumbled back and groaned a bit. "Agh." Chad Glares at Ally. "Come on, we need to leave. I may not like you, and you may not like me either, but we all need to get the hell out of here. NOW!"

"Beta grab Alpha, we gotta move now!!!" Luna yells out while grabbing Ally and jumping out of the window.

"You'll pay for this Lazpin!!!" Chad throws a smoke bomb, grabbing Cameron, jumping out of the window after Luna and Ally.

After about an hour of running through the city, making sure they got the Templars off their trail, they headed up into Luna's apartment via fire escape. Once again, through the broken window.

"Set him down over there" Luna says to Chad, putting him on the table gently, Ally, worried for her friends life is holding Cameron's hand tightly, not wanting to let him go. Thinking that once again he was going to lose his life because of her.

Chad walked over to her, hesitantly putting a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder as Luna got work stitching Cameron's wound closed.


1 Hour Prior to the fight at the Abstergo HQ - Luna's Apartment

September 11, 2020 - 3:00 AM-

Meanwhile Luna is looking through Abstergo's camera feed while Chad struggles to get loose from his bonds in the chair.

"F*cking chair." He then lets out a short scoff. "Remind me why I am strapped to this piece of crap?" Chad asks, obviously annoyed about being bound to the office chair.

"Language." Luna smirks with a small chuckle.

Chad then glares at Luna. "Not funny."

"No, you're right sorry. It's hilarious," Luna replies, struggling to keep in their loud fit of laughter. Chad rolls his eyes as he watches Luna pull up the camera feed in the Abstergo building, pulling them up at the exact moment Cameron busts into the lobby on his motorcycle and stops in front of the front desk.

Chad looks at the feed from behind Luna with a non-impressed look. "Well that's one way to make an entrance, show off." He whispers the last word, but he wasn't as quiet as he had hoped, Luna had heard his words.

Luna looks back at Chad. "Like you could do better." They say before looking back at the computer screen.

"Well for one, we're Assassins, we work in the shadows, not busting into Abstergo's front doors without a plan or having the intention that nothing will go wrong." Chad then looks away from the computer screen over to the smashed window in Luna's apartment. "Especially with a target that's escaped or killed every Assassin we've ever sent."

Luna then stops to stare at the computer screen before turning back at Chad. "What do you mean, like every Assassin who tried to kill him just-" She then gets cut off by Chad who now turns back to face Luna.

"Died, yeah, which is why you could hear my confusion when I asked Ally how she escaped, when no one else would return, or either turned up a corpse in front of that building." Chad then breaks eye contact and looks back at the busted window. "Most likely due to Lazpin.." He says with a deep snarl in his voice.

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