Chapter Two: Eyes and Ears

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Previously on Assassins Creed Part One: Connections

The two rushed down the stairs, down the ladder, and through the alleyway. They ran through the semi-quiet streets, and after 10 minutes or so of running came across a nicer looking apartment that Cameron dragged Ally up the fire escape there and knocked on the window of somebody's apartment.

A feminine voice complained loudly from within the apartment before seemingly making their way over to the window and throwing it open loudly and angrily, "What did you do this time you idiot!?"


Present Moment

"Jeez I missed you too mom," Cameron voiced sarcastically, stepping through the now open window.

"Don't give that sorta tone to me mister I'll-" Luna gets cut off mid sentence by Ally slipping into Cameron's arms.


Cameron catches Ally, breaking her fall "Ally, are you ok?" He asks in a worried tone.

Ally blushes harshly from being so close to him, "I'm fine," She pulls away quickly, trying to hide her red face.

"If you two are gonna kiss, could you do it later?" Luna jokes as they walk into the kitchen, motioning for Cameron to follow them.

"Luna? Wait is that you?" Ally calls after Luna, walking after said person.

"Mhm, I'll talk to you later Al." Luna goes into the kitchen with Cameron and slams the door shut behind the two of them loudly.

"What is she doing here? And also what happened to your lip?" Luna says to him as soon as the door was closed, roughly grabbing his jaw and examining his busted lip.

"I.... fell...?" Cameron says, hesitantly as he thinks of a lie to tell them.

"Uh Huh. Mind telling me the truth this time?" Luna rolls their eyes as they look up at Cam, a non believing look written all over their face.

"I fell, Lunny." Cam says, seriously this time to try and get his pointed lie across.

Luna growls as they swing a punch directed towards him, Cameron easily catches Luna's fist with his hand, pulling their hand down and putting it to their side. In turn, Luna glares up at Cam, a thousand silent knives being thrown back and forth between the two.

"She needs our help, Luna," Cameron sighs out, releasing his hold on Luna's fist.

"What?! No way! She's a Templar!!" Luna exclaims loudly and angrily, still glaring at their friend.

"Luna, she's not a Templar! What evidence have you been handed to come to the conclusion Ally's a Templar?!" Cam yelled back, anger seemed to be seething out of him. His actions were similar to a raging hurricane.

"Don't let your feelings for that traitor cloud your judgement!"

"What feelings Luna?! What are you talking about!"

"Your feelings for the girl that fell in your arms! You've liked her since we were kids! Why else did you shove her out of the way of a blade so many times?! You never really did that for me! Only for her!"

"What are you trying to say here?! That you like me as well?!"

"Oh don't be so full of yourself! You're like a brother to me you nimrod!"

"Well you're like a sibling to me too!"

The two begin to angrily hug each other, seeming to try and squeeze the life out of the other. All the while still glaring. A knock sounds from the kitchen door.

Assassins Creed Fan Story : Part One: ConnectionWhere stories live. Discover now