Chapter 7: Respect is Earned

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Previously on Assassins Creed Part One, Connections

"Maybe we should worry about Cameron." Ally states while still looking down at her friend. The others nod as they look over at him as well.

"You're right, I'll let you two take care of that, I need to get some sleep, I hope you enjoy your ice cream." Chad says while giving a slight wink at Luna. Chad then walks past the two before heading up the stairs.

Luna slightly blushes. "Yea whatever."

"You like him, don't cha." Ally says, trying to lighten up the mood by joking around.

"Oh shut up." Luna shouts now even more red.


September 13, 2020 -> 1:26 PM

Ally lays next to Cameron, exhausted from not getting much sleep last night. She then wakes up and looks at her friend, who has not moved since being laid down on the table. She then lets out a deep sigh, disappointed and hoping that Cameron would be awake by now. She then wipes the sleep out of her eyes and gets up to grab something from the fridge, pulling out some of yesterday's breakfast meal she had made prior to the fight at Abstergo. As she closes the door to the fridge and hears a slight groan next to her. It was Cameron. She quickly places the food on the counter next to her and runs over to him. "Cameron. Cameron can you hear me?" She says shaking him slightly hoping to get an answer out of him. After a few moments of silence she then stops and sighs, slowly sitting on the ground. "I must be going crazy, hoping to actually hear him..." She says in her head looking down at the floor, before then hearing another groan from Cameron and feeling the table move slightly. She quickly gets up looking at her friend who is now gaining his conscience back.

Cameron now slightly awake slowly and weakly moves his hand over his head. "Agh.." He says with his eyes still closed. "Whe-re.. Am.. I- I.." He says weakly.

Ally out of joy for seeing Cameron alive suddenly hugs him tightly with tears starting to form in her eyes yet again. "Oh my god Cameron.. You're alive.. Thank goodness.." She says, sobbing into Camerons shoulder.

"All-y..? That.. Y-you..?" Cameron says in a weak tone.

"Yes it's me you big oaf.. It's okay you're safe now.. Don't try to talk, just gain your strength.." Ally letting go of the hug, looks down at Cameron and smiles. She then looks over to Luna's office. "Lu! He's awake!" She yells soon seeing Luna peek their head out of their office.

"Cameron!" They yell, quickly running over to his side and taking a hold of Cameron's hand.

Cameron slowly opens his eyes looking upon Ally and Luna. "H-ey.." He says weakly before looking back at Luna's new Assassin cloak. "Lulu.. Wh-ere did.. you ge-et that..?" He says in a low and confused voice.

"Oh, Chad gave it to me when we came to save both of you." They state before looking down at the dark blue cloak with red outlines they wore.

Cameron gains more of his strength and carefully props himself up, Ally helping him slightly. "You.. let him go..?" He asks with a bit of hatred in his voice.

"Well we came to a deal, he promised to drop the bounty on Ally, and he's agreed to help us take down Lazpin. But he can't do anything about the other Assassins if they try to kill Ally." Luna states before pulling out the drone from their cloak pocket. "He also gave us some things from his safehouse, which is also where I got this cloak!" Luna states again before activating the drone. "His name is Tiger"

"And.. where is he now..?" Cameron asks, still weary of Chad.

"Uh.." Luna then stops as a faint voice appears from the stairway.

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