Chapter 15: Return Of A Rival

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Previously on Assassins Creed: Connections

"Ah, Lazpin, my old friend~! How are you doing~?!" The strange figure said as they walked into the office of the head Templar in the large city.

"Ah! Reaper! It is so good to see you my friend! Have you heard that our dear friends the assassins are coming here?! We can finally kill them and end in the New York Assassin Branch, Hahahaha~!" Lazpins German accent echoed out in the nearly empty office.

"And don't forget what happens if you fail my friend...~!" The Reaper smirked as he looked down at Lazpin.

"Of course~! I will not forget~! Did you bring back Raven for me~?!"

"You will not touch her!" Reaper snarled out angrily, slamming his fist down onto the table, scaring Lazpin.

"O-of course my friend,"

"Good. Now it's time to set my plan into motion~ Come on out soon Pluto~! I will need you to help execute my plan~!"


~~~ At Luna's Apartment ~~~

"Alright guys, we end things today, meaning anything you have to mess up, do it here and not at Abstergo, we need to be on top of our game, some of us may not return. But I think you all are prepared for that, it's what we are all trained to believe that every mission may be your last," Luna says as they watch Ally glance over at Cameron, silently telling him that he's going to come back alive. Cameron slowly holds her hand softly but tightly, trying to get the message across that he would be okay.

"What are we going to do about that mysterious figure?" Chad asks with a weary tone, side-eyeing Cameron and Ally as he spoke.

"If our Reaper friend is there, we are going to have to have someone distract him long enough for someone to kill Lazpin," Ally says with a wearily, as she looks at Cameron.

"I'll be the one to take out that lab freak," Cameron growls out, his free hand curling into a fist at the mention of Lazpin's name.

"Cameron this is a team mission I think we should-" Chad says with a fierce tone, glaring at Cameron harshly.

"I said I'm taking him out after what he's done to Ally you guys can't take that away from me. I'm taking him out rather you guys like it or not!" Cameron says while heading to the roof to get some air. Luna followed him up there.

"You wanted to talk about Cam?" Luna's voice broke the silence as they sat down next to him.

"I- umm I miss Curtis... a lot," Cameron says with a worried tone, as he looks at Lunny.

"You have never brought up Curtis's name, not since the funeral," Luna says with a shocked and saddened tone of voice.

"I'm glad that you're still... around, looking out for me and not kicking me to the curb, just like mom and dad did." Cameron sighed softly, looking over at Luna, smiling.

"We are siblings Cameron, I would never let you go anywhere without making sure you would come to me alive," Luna smiles back, chuckling as they gently punch his shoulder.

" I just... Ever since Curtis's death I felt like I failed our family and now that he's gone feel like I have to protect you-" Luna gives Cameron a glare, "I know you can handle things on your own but I already lost one sibling, I just don't wanna lose the only family I have left" Cameron softly hugs his little sister, "I love you sis,"

"I love you too big brother," Luna says while hugging their big brother

"Wait, you two are siblings?!" Chad yelled as he stood in the fire escape, bewilderment written on his face.

Assassins Creed Fan Story : Part One: ConnectionWhere stories live. Discover now