Chapter 10: Trust Fall

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Previously On Assassins Creed Part One: Connections....

Cameron sighs and ends the call, he gets up off the park bench and walks over to his car and gets in, and starts driving towards the complex and parks the car behind a trash can and puts a cover over his car to better hide it from sight. He opened the car door and walked up the fire escape and through the still broken window, walking in on Ally, Chad, and Luna discussing the fact that the safe house Chad used needed to be destroyed so the assassins couldn't find anything of use there. "Umm, hey guys... Did you miss me?" he's met with a tight hug by Ally

"Thank Altair you're safe." Ally with tears in her eye and hugs Cameron tightly, not letting him go.

"Yeah, I'm safe what's wrong?" Cameron asked as he was pulled into a tiger hug once Luna joined in, dragging Chad with them.

"We thought you went rogue you idiot, don't scare us like that ever again, please. We nearly lost you once, we can't lose you again..." Ally whispered as she buried her face into Cameron's chest, a small blush forming on his cheeks. A small smile slowly appeared on his face, maybe, just maybe, his hope that she liked him, might just be true.


"Don't worry ie, I won't leave you or the others again, I just needed to get some fresh air," Cameron replied, smiling down at his friends, yelping slightly in pain when Luna meekly punched him in the shoulder.

"You better not run off like that again!" Luna glared up at Cam, earning a half-smile in return from the man looming over them.

"Anyways, we have a mission to take care of, we need to get everything from my safehouse and blow it up. We can't let the others glean anything important from there." Chad said as he finally managed to pull away from the group hug. Ally pulled away a moment later and turned to look at Chad, mistrust was plainly written across her face.

"Ok well Ally, you and Chad have to go with him to his hideout to go get his stuff don't worry I'll be on my bike and Luna will be in Ray Ray and we will be waiting for you outside ok?" Cameron stated.

"W-what?! Why do I have to go?!" Ally screeched out in surprise and anger as she looked over at Chad, glaring at him.

"I'm guessing because you two still don't trust me. But let's face it, without me and Luna talking while I was trapped in the basement, we wouldn't have been there to save you both and have me carrying Cameron back here, and therefore having Cameron as a corpse now. And not to mention I still covered your asses while you were letting me get interrogated, and not to mention that YOU wanted to leave me there so you owe me for that alone!" Chad says sternly.

"I-" Ally soon realizes that Cameron should have died... "Ugh fine! But I'm only doing this so the Creed or the Templars can't learn anything." She says in a moping tone.

"I'll be ok with that," Cameron agrees.

The group makes their way to Chad's safe house, with Chad and Ally running on the rooftops, Ally following Chad quickly, and Luna and Cameron on the roads with Luna leading Cameron. Cameron and Luna park in a nearby Alleyway.

"Alright Chad, what is in there that you need?" Ally turned to look at Chad, her expression bored.

Chad replies, continuing to run on the rooftops. "Weapons, secret artifacts, and maps along with Templar blueprints I've stolen while I was in the field. We need those if we're going to infiltrate the Templar HQ,"

"And a plushie that you have in your room," Cameron says over coms in a joking tone.

"Excuse Mr. Plushie wall over here, he still hasn't told you his secret," Chad says to Ally.

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