Chapter 13: Dream Stalker

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Previously On Assassins Creed Part One: Connections...

"Sir, we know where they are going," A Templar said as they walked in.

"Let the hunt begin~" The figure chuckles darkly as they swing their sword, cutting off Emilia's head, letting it roll away. "Clean this up, I don't want to see this failure any longer. And also, blow this entire facility up. It is no longer needed."

"B-but what about the other guards,"

"You all failed me. You all will go up in flames, may the father of understanding guide you~" The figure laughed again and walked out of the building just as it exploded. "Ah, the sweet scent, of a new beginning~ Watch out Assassins, you're reaper is coming for you~" They flick their sword and it shifts into a scythe, scraping the ground with the blade, "Pluto~ It's nearly time~"


Red and blue lights flashed in the early dawn as Ally drove up to the house on her motorcycle, worry and fear consuming her heart as she stumbled off the bike and dashed up the front lawn, before getting caught by Luna.

"Ally, don't go in there, you won't like what you see..." Luna whispered as they hugged Ally tightly. More fear than before slashed at her heart and soul.

"Where is Cameron?! Why are there cops here?!" Ally yelled out as a few tears fell, she already knew something bad had happened.

"Ally... Cameron, he's..." Luna trailed off as Ally broke off from the hug and dashed into the house and ducked under the police tape, before seeing blood pooling into the living room from the hall. Slowly, Ally approached the hall, and what met her eyes, froze her very bones. Laying before her was Cameron, coated in blood, a sword drove through his heart. Then the waterworks really began. Ally ran over to Cameron and fell down by his side and carefully picked him up, gently holding his broken and battered frame in her arms.

"Cameron... Hold on, please, you can't die, you just can't..." Ally whispered as she looked down at the man she had grown to love.

"Ally... I... love... you..." Cameron breathed out before he closed his eyes, taking his final breath before leaving this realm.

Black. Black was all Ally could see, she was still on the ground, but Cameron was no longer in her arms. Then, a familiar voice rang out into the abyss, "How the great Alpha has fallen~" The voice was heard breathing heavily, while also letting out small psychotic laughs in between each gasp of air, "Now it's your turn to play~!"

"W-who are you?!" Ally yelled at the figure as they laughed at her creepily.

"You're awake~? How... interesting~ Why don't you have some fun with me~? It's not like you have much longer to live now do you~?" the voice rang out again, followed by harsh psychotic laughter, then she felt herself being lifted up by the neck and choked. And then, her neck snapped.

Ally woke up panting, holding her neck where a strange bruise was beginning to form, she looked over the camper and saw Cameron lying on the ground with the sword in his heart again, "You see~? You can't save him~! No one can~! HAHAHAHA!" The figure continued laughing as they stepped into her vision. They looked like some sort of reaper. A demonic scythe was held within their grasp as they stalked closer to her, "Wake up my queen~" The reaper yelled out and ran at her, slashing her across the chest with the scythe.

Ally woke up in a cold sweat, holding her neck as she looked all over the camper, finding no evidence of a fight, no blood, no swords, no bodies. "It was all just a dream, nothing more, nothing less right?" Sighing to herself, she stood up cautiously and walked into the cramped kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee as she looked over at the digital clock in the office. 4:02 AM.

Assassins Creed Fan Story : Part One: ConnectionWhere stories live. Discover now