Part 12.5 : AUTHORS NOTE

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Hello lovely readers! We are the ACMKSS Authors, and we are here to give you all a short update on our profile and our story.

Number 1: We are adding a new member to our team! We will be updating the acronym soon and you will soon see them appearing in the author's notes when they pick up again!

Number 2: Where are the author's notes and bloopers for these scenes?! Well, as of right now for these last few chapters it was decided that we not include any bloopers or authors' notes to distract from the seriousness of the story before us. After the book is all said and done, if you guys want bloopers, we will add a special chapter dedicated to bloopers.

Number 3: Books, books, and more books! We started this account to write many stories and fanstories alike, there are already so many in the process of being written. And we are sorry to inform, (not really let's be honest) After we finish this book, we will be putting Assassins Creed on hold while we write the next stories. After we get done with those, we will get back to Assassins Creed, but just be warned, we don't play nice~!

Number 4: What is the next book and when will it come out!? The next book is going to be a fan-based what if story on the How To Train Your Dragon realm, we will be taking things to the next level and we've actually got things planned out before the events of the book take place. And as some of you may know, Assassins Creed Part One Connections was a spur of the moment idea that none of us ever really thought was going to happen. But, here we all are now, ready to start another book after Connections is over.

Number 5: Why are we pausing our story?! Well, now that's a question in itself. We are doing stuff similar to how television series go where they take a break for several months to several weeks before the next season comes out! Please do not get impatient with us! This will hopefully allow us to come up with better ideas for our stories!

Anyways guys, thank you for reading the short author's note. Now get on to the story!

Assassins Creed Fan Story : Part One: ConnectionWhere stories live. Discover now