Chapter 14: New Beginning's

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Previously on Assassins Creed Part One: Connections...

"Useless! That's the only word to describe the lot of you! Pathetic worms that don't know how to do anything right!" The figure yelled at the quivering Templar grunts around him.

"S-sir, there's only one place they could be heading next, Lazpins Laboratory, m-maybe you could set off an explosion there...?" a stupidly brave Templar spoke up, avoiding the figures harsh, eyeless, gaze.

"You're right... an explosion sounds... perfect~! I'm so glad I thought of it~! Hahaha~!" The figure laughed psychotically as they walked out of the facility before pressing a hidden button on his scythe, "Boom~!" he exclaimed as the facility was blown to pieces behind him, only causing his laughter to increase in volume as he walked over to his motorcycle and sat down, "Utica City~! Here I come~!"


-In The Camper at 11:30 pm-

Cameron was driving while the rest were sleeping except for Ally, who was still hiding in the bathroom. Thinking that everyone had gone to bed, she walked out of the bathroom and wiped her tears away as she slowly walked to the drivers cabin. Upon entering, she noticed Cameron awake and still driving. "Why are still up Cam?" Ally asked, her voice tired and drained.

"Oh, hey IE, it's okay, just go back to sleep, I got it hun," Cameron says while driving with one hand on his head.

"I don't think I can sleep tonight... especially after meeting the man who stalks my dreams..." Ally trailed off, unsure still of how to react to the psycho that could have killed Cam.

"Look, I wanted to say that I'm sorry, I just..." Cameron trails off as he looks at Ally, tears in his eyes, "I'm sorry, I know I can be a... Narcissistic ass, but you chose me? To love? Why, though you see how I am, I just don't know..." He looks at the road, while thinking why did Ally liked him in the first place.

Ally sighed as she hugged him tightly "Cameron, I fell in love with you when we were children. You were always kind, caring, and you always were there for me. Even though you were arrogant and had major ego problems, I still liked you. If you think you could push me away that easily, you're wrong... don't doubt that I don't love you Cameron, please don't..."

"So I am going to die? In the future right?" Cameron asks Ally while continuing to drive. He got no response, then he heard Ally start crying again behind him as she sank down into the chair next to him.

"It looked like it... but I don't want you to die, I don't want to lose you,"

Cameron with a slight blush on his face, chokes on his words "Ahem, well I might have an idea but its kinda stupid," Cameron rubs the back of his head while driving.

"Well, what's your idea?" Ally asks, looking over at him as she tries to slow the tears and begins wiping them away with the sleeve of her cloak.

"After we deal with Lazpin, We could take a break from the Creed and... t-theres a house in the countryside by a lake I was thinking that maybe you and I could live together and..." He gets flustered with a slight blush while driving, trying to keep his eyes on the road, and not on Ally.

Ally blushed lightly, "And what...? She tilted her head to the side.

"We can have a family? And get married?" Cameron says while flustered.


Cameron pulled the car off the road and stopped alongside the edge of the forest, they were nearing Utica City, "Ally will I have your hand in marriage and having a family with me?" Cameron says while on one knee looking into Ally's Hazel eyes, his face a bright, cherry red. From his pocket he pulls out a small, crimson and white box, a few blood stains coated the small container. He then slowly opened up the box, revealing a gorgeous ring held within. She knew then it was a creeds ring. Serious assassins in the creed would be gifted one to give to the one they love within the creed. They were to keep it in their pocket at all times, even through fights. Allowing the bearer to show the true dedication they have towards someone.

Assassins Creed Fan Story : Part One: ConnectionWhere stories live. Discover now