Chapter 8: The Words of a Falsifier.

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Previously on Assassins Creed Part One, Connections.

"Hey! You two better not be making out in my office!" Luna says in a joking tone.

Cameron slowly gets up from the chair a little red from forgetting his mic was on. "I'll go get some rest okay? You uh.. Stay in touch with Lunny"

"Um okay.. Y-yeah. Do you need any help?" Ally asks, helping him up.

Smiles and shakes his head no slightly. "I'll be alright." He slowly and carefully walks to the door and looks back at Ally before continuing through the doorway. "Maybe someday, I'll tell you how I feel about you." He whispers, walking up the stairs.

Ally looks away from the door Cameron just left through, and looks back at the hologram. "Thank god your back." She says quietly before focusing on the task at hand.


September 13, 2020 -> 1:38 PM

Moments before Chad and Luna left the Apartment - Luna's Storage Room.

Chad stands in a dimly lit room, the same room in which he was held captive in, to be precise. He then puts his finger on the ear piece before speaking into the mic. "Beta here." He says, waiting for a response from the other Creed member.

A faint female voice comes through the microphone. "Status report on target Beta, command wants to know if you've completed your mission." The voice then asks.

"Ally Prova has escaped again, not quite sure where she went this time. Her Assassin instincts are still strong, even after leaving the Creed." He says hoping to not trip on his words on the lie he says.

"Understood, by the Director's orders you have been tasked on coming back to HQ." The voice then replies in response.

Chad then stops for a moment. "With all due respect to the Director's wishes, I would like to stay out on the field and try to-" Chad then gets cut off by the voice on the other side.

"The Director has requested your presence if you have not found or are close to claiming the Target. If that is everything Agent Beta then I would suggest you make your way back here A.S.A.P." The voice then says before waiting for Chad to respond.

Chad waits a few moments to collect his thoughts before answering the other Assassin. "Understood, returning to base." He then cuts his communications off before heading out of the room and running to tell the others what had just happened.

September 13 2020 -> 1:57 PM

Chad jumps down from the rooftops and lands in front of the Assassin's HeadQuarters, taking a deep breath before walking in the doors.

Luna watches him go in while they send Tiger to look for another way in. They then sit in the shadows, looking at the main doors for a good while before Tiger shows up again making small buzzing noises to indicate that he has found another way into the building. Luna then stands up and quickly follows their small companion to a small portion of a collapse in the building, with Tiger quickly flying into the building. "I hope I'm not making a mistake." They then say before following Tiger inside.

Chad walks down a dimly lit corridor, walking past a pair of Assassins who give a subtle nod towards Chad out of respect. He may be the second best Assassin, but in his mind he never really needed or wanted praise from anyone else, in his mind, he thought of everyone as an equal, even though he acted like everything was like a big competition. He suddenly stops in front of a pair of doors and slowly opens them to one of the bigger offices in the building. The room was in a lot better state than any of the other areas of the building. Freshly plastered wooden wallpaper surrounded the walls, on the left side of the room stood a couple bookshelves filled with all types of books or different Assassin artifacts, on the other side a couple of holding cabinets and mantles holding different types of ancient weapons from different era's, a painting of the Ezio and his family on the far back right wall, with a huge window looking out at the city. In the middle of the room sat an in a Dark Brown and Gold outlined Assassin cloak at the desk waiting for Beta to enter the room. "Director." Chad says while clearing his throat.

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