Chapter 9: Broken

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Previously on Assassins Creed Part One, Connections.

"Ares used truth serum on me with a chemical compound.. Agh.. To cause any pain if I were to tell a lie.. I tried to stop it, I'm sorry.." Chad says slightly looking down before pushing the elevator button.

"Hey this isn't your fault okay? You couldn't control it, at least the safehouse is still secure." They say before having Chad prop himself up on the elevator handlebars, Tiger now resting on Chad's head.

"Okay.. Do you have an escape plan..?" Chad asks as he notices Luna push the roof level button.

"We'll wing it." They give a soft wink before looking back at the elevator door waiting for the roof level to come.


September 13, 2020 -> 2:06 PM

At Luna's Apartment complex.

Ally was in Luna's Office looking after Chad and Luna while they tried to escape, meanwhile Cameron in his room was having a night terror.

Cameron is seen in a lush forest somewhere in the Amazon, he traverses through the maze of trees and bushes before hearing a crackle from behind the rocks above him. He calls out to the person behind the bush before, then seeing hundreds of Templars soon surrounding him, before pulling out his friends and shooting them one by one. Cameron now mortified by seeing his dead friends fall from the cliff, now see's a bunch of templars jump off the cliff before chasing Cameron through the forest, not knowing where to go he runs into a small cave ending up in a dead end. He turns around to see a handful of templars at the entrance of the cave. Cameron tries to pull out his hidden blades in defense but now noticing they aren't on his wrists, as he looks up at his enemy he then gets shot in the chest by multiple rifles. Cameron then wakes up in a sweat.. "W-what the hell" He then puts his hand on his head, Cameron then goes to the bathroom washing himself off with a splash of water, then looks at himself in the mirror, he then lets out a sigh and you see in the reflection that scar is somewhat healed. Cameron, still looking in the mirror, has a flashback going through his head, the exact moment getting slashed in the chest with Ally screaming "ALPHA!!!"

He then continues to look in the mirror.

Cameron then has Luna's voice yelling at him inside his head saying. "You only care about that Templar!"

His hand turns into a fist before hearing Chad's voice suddenly go through his head. "You're always putting your emotions before anyone else, that's why you always get beaten. So much for the great alpha."

Cameron, in a fit of rage, then punches the mirror in front of him, shattering it into pieces onto the ground in which he is standing on. He then grabs a towel from beside him and dries off his face before sighing over the sink and leaving the washroom to get changed. A knock soon echoed softly from behind the door to Cameron's room. "C-come in." He says, his hands on his head as he lightly tugged at his hair, trying to wake up more and have a distraction from the Night Terror. Ally opens the door of his room and steps inside, noticing the tense and frightened atmosphere of the room as she looks over at the shattered mirror.

"Do you wanna talk about it? Maybe, we could head to the roof? The open air could help you clear your mind." She said as she tilted her head towards him lightly, keeping the shattered glass in her peripheral.

He nods softly and walks to the roof of the tall apartment building, tenderly holding his chest as he walked, trying not to reopen the stitches Luna oh so carefully laced his chest with. Ally followed close behind him, watching him to make sure he didn't hurt himself further. "I feel like a failure..." He mumbled quietly as he moved to sit on the edge of the roof.

Assassins Creed Fan Story : Part One: ConnectionWhere stories live. Discover now