Chapter 3: Friend, Or Foe?

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Previously on Assassins Creed Part One, Connections

The once frigid air of the city had quickly turned to below freezing as the day progressed. Cameron was up on the rooftops with Ally, the both of them were on foot, running away from Chad as they kept going.

"Ally, hurry! Luna, agapi (Greek, for love), help!" Cameron yelled into his com link as he jumped to the next building, Ally right behind him, Chad on their tail.

The three then crashed through a window of a familiar apartment building, glass exploding out everywhere. "You have nowhere else to run! Hand over the girl, and I won't turn you into the Creed Cameron!" Chad yelled, flicking his wrist, the hidden blade on his arm springing out.

"Over my cold. Dead. Bo-"

"Not gonna happen!"



1 Hour Before

~~~~ At Luna's Apartment in Luna's Office ~~~~

Ally was amazed by the sight of Luna's Office, her eyes wandered the massive expanse of screens laid out across the room. "Wow this is cool Lulu!" Ally exclaimed as she looked around.

"Hah that's nothing." Luna pushes a button, making a hollow graphic map of Utica appear on the floor, a greenish hue spreading out across the room, illuminating everything and everyone in the erie glow.

"Okay, so, we should go over the plan again. I'll-" Cameron gets cut off by Ally, a flash of annoyance and disbelief crossing her face.

"We'll, Cameron, we will." Ally said as she glared daggers at him.

"W-what? No way! I work better on my own! That's it! Solo! One! No more, no less!" Cameron half-yelled at his friend, not wanting to put her in any unnecessary danger.

"I am going with you whether you like it or not! We all know that you're gonna need it Cameron, last time you barely managed to knock him out! I-" Ally stops talking as she gets cut off by Cameron.

"I said no! You will not be going with me and that is final!" Cameron yells furiously attempting to save his friend from any type of harm.

"Say's you! I have been doing this type of thing for years Cameron. For! Years! I know what I am doing! I have my own scars to prove it you arse!" She yelled back at him, steam seeming to be shooting out of her ears.

"Yet you don't know how long I've been training. You may have been on more missions than I have, but I know this city like the back of my hand, so no. I'm sorry I am not putting you in danger! End of story!" He yells back, turning and leaving the room, slamming the door shut behind him with a loud bang!

"One of these days his ego is gonna get him killed, why don't you go after him?" Luna asks, smirking as they look over at Ally.

"I was going to go after the idiot, I mean, you do need him" Her mood then changes from stern to joking. "After all, you two are in love~" Ally giggles quietly as she jumps out the window onto the fire escape. Quickly running up the stairwell. A knife was then embedded into the pipe of metal of the fire escape.

"Look who's talkin?!" Luna screeches at Ally as she gets further and further away from earshot.

Cameron sighs as he looks at the old and faded photo from before, "Only if you knew what I've been through these past seven years..." his voice whispered out quietly.

"Well, maybe you could start from the beginning, and tell me what has happened." Ally said surprising Cameron as she sat down next to him. They were both situated on top of a somewhat tall building, close to Camerons' crappy apartment complex.

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