Chapter Fifty-Four: Jack

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I've been locked up in my room for a few hours refusing to come out, no madder how much Nick and Nate try to bribe me. How could Grayson not find them. No one is better then him. I jump up, putting two and two together. Maybe he's on there side. I run to my door unlocking it. "Guys! Guys!" I could hear loud foot steps run up the stairs. I turn my head not paying attention where I'm going. I collide with something hard. I fall to the ground with a loud thud. I rub my sore head looking over to see I collided with Nick. He was on the ground too, glaring at me. 

"What!" Nick yelled still glaring at me. I smile cheezly at him rubbing the back of my neck. 

"Sorry." I say. "I was going to tell you that I think Grayson is on there side instead of ours."

"No way not possible." Nick and Nate say at the same time. Jeez that's creepy as hell. I really wish they would stop doing that. 

"Think about it though." I say. "He's the best hacker in the world. He can hack into anything, but yet he can't hack that." I say pointing towards the TV."

Something clicks inside of them. I could tell they were finally putting two and two together. 

They quickly turn around running down the stairs. I hear a door slam shut, then a car start zooming off. I stood there in disbelief that they just left me. Those motherfuckers just left my ass behind. 

"What the fuck!" I yell pouting. How could they just leave me here by myself. 

I storm off into my room, grabbing my phone. I dial Nicks number. I impatiently tap my foot. 

"This is Nicks phone, please leave a message after the beep." Nicks voicemail box says. 

"Are you fucking kicking me!" I yell, throughing my phone across the room. "You don't even have the decently to pick up your phone!" I go to my bed and sit down.  I cross my arms, pouting, "I'm the one who found it!"

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