Chapter Seventy: Rose

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I scream as Mykel cuts into my skin. I could feel the blood oozing out my body, pain screaming out in agony. Tears stream down my face, as he slowly puts pressure on the blade bringing it down my arm. A smile grew across Mykel's face.

"Let's have some fun." Mykel declares.

I could feel the color drain from my face, as he gets up. He makes his way behind me. I twist and turn trying to figure out what he was doing or trying to do. My arms fall limp as he cuts the rope off. I rub my sore wrists. They were as red as a cherry. Mykel harshly grabs my arm, pulling me up. He drags me out the room. There were men all along the hall watching every move. They had there hands on their guns, ready to fire if anything goes wrong. Mykel pushes me down the hall a few more feet. He shoves me into a guy so i couldn't see what ever he was doing. I could hear a beeping noise as if he was punching in a number on a keypad. Once the noise stops he grabs me by the arm, pulling me in the room. 

I look around to see chains all along the the walls. There was blood everywhere. I could see tools covered in blood on a table. I could feel the color drain from my face all over again. What's he going to do to me? What do you think idiot i say to myself. He yanks me to the end of the room, gripping my wrists to make sure i can't escape. We made it to the end of the room. I could see that everything was clean. It was so different from the rest of the room. Next to the wall was a tray of knives and guns. They looked as if they've been cleaned thoroughly. You could practically see your reflection in them. I look up from the knives and guns to see two chains hanging from the ceiling. Mykel drags me forward pushing me into the wall.. 

"I cleaned them just for you." Mykel smiles. He grabs my arm with a huge smile plastered on his face. He tightly locks my wrists in the chains. "Are you ready to have some fun." he laughs madly. I yank on the chain hopping they will break or something. Please please, break. I begged, but nothing happens. Tears stream down my cheeks as i fall limp. What's the point? 

"Are you done?" he asks in a bored tone. I look up, to see him trying to hide his smile but i could see right through it. He stares into my eyes for the longest time, then starts grinning like a madman. 

"You finally give up!" he squeaks. 

I let my head fall to the ground not bothering to look at him anymore. I could hear him walking away. I could hear chains rattling. All of a sudden i'm being lifted up. I look around to see that he is pulling on the chains lifting me up higher and higher. I couldn't touch the ground. I wail my legs in the air trying to touch the ground but no matter how hard i try i just can't reach. He walks back over to me grabbing some more chains. He grabs my ankles tightly, attaching the chains to them, then he walks away again. He went over to one of the chains pulling on it , spreading my leg out.

"John!" he yells. I look over to see a big guy in a white t-shirt and blue jeans making his way over to us. "You go over there and start pulling on the chain." Mykel says pointing to the other chain. John went over and picked the chain up. He tugged a little and saw that he was moving my right leg. A big smile appeared on his face realizing what's about to happen. They both start pulling on the chain, pain starts shooting up my thighs as they pull to tight. I scream out in pain. I could hear laughter filling the air. Mykel gives him the signal to let go and he does as he's told and lets go, letting my legs fall limp.

"Oh i'm sorry did that hurt?" he asks, chuckling. I could tell he was enjoying himself by the way his smile sat on his face as if he has heard the most beautiful noise in the world. 

" Hey John, you want to have some fun?" he asks. John smiles nodding his head yes. Mykel goes over to a table picking something up. He turns around looking at me with a smile still plastered on his face. I could see a leather case. What is that? Then it hit me, it's a knife. He's eyes had a sparkle to it when he pulls out the knife seeing his reflection. He looks up at me with a huge smile on his face. He couldn't wait to hear me scream. I could see it in his eyes. He wants to cos me so much pain. I'm going to die here and no one will ever find me.

"Awe what's wrong you're frowning." Mykel says. I ignore him not bothering to reply. What's the point either way i'm going to die. If i like it or not.

"You know it's not nice to ignore someone." he says.

"You know its not nice to kidnap, rape, and torture someone right." i mock. 

He laughs coming closer to me. He starts shaking his head like a crazy person. What am i saying he is crazy.

"So you're going to back talk me now." he challenges. I have nothing left to live for so why not. 

"Yeah and what are you going to do about. Huh? Are you going to stab me some more or maybe you'll shoot me this time. Oh wait you already did that too." i yell in anger. I could tell he was not pleased with me talking back. His face was red. You could practically see the steam coming from his ears. I was just hopping it would push him enough to finally kill me. I smile challenging him to do something. He raises the knife over his head, slamming it down. Then stopped right before it touches me. I sighed in disappointment lowering my head.

"I see what you were doing and it's not going to work." he smiles. He walks off leaving John with me. "Have some fun. I'll be back." Mykel says slamming the door. Johns face lit up like a christmas tree. He slowly makes his way over to a tray that's across the room. He rubs his chin trying to decide what he should use. It took him a couple of minutes but finally he picks something up. 

"It took you long enough. Damn i thought you would of found Narnia before you decided what torture weapon you wanted." i mock. 

I could see his anger rising, but unlike Mykel he couldn't control it. He brings the knife up stabbing me in the shoulder, then in the stomach. The room starts spinning as my blood pours down my body. I felt numb. Every last bet of me was ready to die. Last thing i see before i black out is Ryder busting through the door, but that can't be he's dead. 

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