Chapter Seventy-One: Ryder

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7 hours before saving Rose

I wake up to the boys surrounding my bed. I jump a little being surprised by how close they were. They all had a smile on there faces. It was kinda creepy.

"What?" i question. I wonder what got them in such a good mood. Jack steps even closer causing me to sit back a little. He was so close that if i would to move an inch we could be kissing.

"We now how to find Rose!" he excitedly whispers.

"What!" i say excitedly. I was practically jumping out of the bed. "I could kiss you." i say grabbing Jack's face. Jack closes his eyes making a kissy face. Nick and Nate fall on the floor laughing to death. 

"I'm waiting." he says impatiently. He opens one eyes looking at me. 

That causes the boys to die even more.

"What! Are you not going to because i've gone through a lot of trouble trying to find someone who knows how to find her." he angrily says. He closes his eyes again getting closer to me. I bad up as far as possible but i hit a wall. His lips hit mine and i almost puke. He backs away smiling at me.

"That wasn't so back was it?" he asks, smiles. I was horrified. I could hear something hitting the floor. I look over to see the boys laughing so hard they stopped making noises and started banging there fistes on the floor. I've never seen them laugh so hard. 

"Is everything okay in here?" someone asks. I shake my head getting out of my dase. I didn't even know Jack moved away. He was sitting in a chair, trying to contain his laughter. I look over seeing a nurse looking around seeing Nick and Nate on the floor and Jack trying to contain his laughter. She looks at us confused. 

"What happened in here?" she asks. Jack couldn't contain it anymore and joined the boys on the floor. Laughing there asses off. 

"Nothing." i grumble. 

He raises a brow. "Okay then...." i could tell she didn't believe that. She stepped over the boys checking the monitors to see if i was okay. "You seem like everything is okay, so all you have to do is sign these papers and you can leave." she hands me some papers. I skim through them and sign every where it says to. She smiles politely at me. 

"Okay you are all set to go. I hope i don't see you again. At least not in here." she says politely, leaving the room.

After about 30 minutes they finally stopped laughing. They get up packing everything up. I slowly get up, pain shoots up my side. I try my best not to fall but my legs give out on me causing me to collapse to the floor. The boys rush over to me with worry in there eyes. 

"Are you okay?" they say, trying to help me up. 

I shoo them away nodding my head yes. I get up, not falling this time. I grab my clothes walking to the bathroom. I look in the mirror, seeing my hair was everywhere and i looked ghostly pale. Damn no wonder they were so worried. I look like i haven't seen the sun in years. How long have i even been gone? I shake my head looking away from the mirror. I quickly change into my clothes, leaving the hospital gown in the bathroom. 

"Guys how long have i been gone?" i ask them. They stopped what they were doing turning around looking at me.

"About 9 months." Nate says. What! Nine months. I didn't realise i was gone that long.

"Oh." was all i could say. I could see the sadness in their eyes, as they turn back around picking everything up again. I gather all my things out of a baggy that they must of put in when i came in. I look up to see the guys had everything packed and were leaving. We made it to Jack's car, putting everything in the trunk. 

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