-21- Uncomfortable

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[new] A day late, yet again, yes yes I know.

Shoto's POV:
"Are you just gonna look at me or actually do something?~" Izuku teased.

"Oh so we're going to play like that~" I spoke while Izuku squirmed. He's gonna be a brat for sure...~ I smiled to myself at the thought.

"Hmm, maybe I'm not up for this anymore?" He said while trying to push away, I knew he was joking from the look in his eyes, pure lust.

"Oh, well alright then." I let him go and started walking to the door, he quickly ran in front of the handle with his arms stretched out.

"No wait! I was joking!" I smirked before pushing him up against the door.

"Now will we be a good boy? Or do we need to be punished?" I used my knee to push on his growing erection. He whimpered.

"Punishment Daddy~" He breathed.

"If you say so." I lifted him up and brought him out of the room and over to the bed, dropping him down I went to the closet to grab my 'box'. I came back with it in hand, Izuku tilted his head when I put it down in front of him.

"Open it." He did as I said and lifted the lid letting out a gasp as he looked at the assortment of toys and punishments.

"Pick your poison Angel~" He looked around the box grabbing a few different things, he grabbed a cock ring, a five-inch dildo, vibrators, his collar, lube, a gag and a pair of handcuffs.

"Well, that was more than I expected~ I thought you would choose just one~"

"Is this alright?" He asked.

"Of course~ It just makes things better~" I smirked while closing the box and putting it on my nightstand. I reached for the dildo first but he put his hand on top of mine.

"Your gonna watch for that~" I smirked and took my hand off. I sat with my knees folded as he took his underwear off and covered the dildo in lube, at first I was concerned about why he wasn't preparing first but then I remembered that was the preparing...

"Nng~" He moaned while pumping the neon orange dildo in and out of himself. Why do they make all these private items so brightly coloured?? I re-focused on Izuku in front of me, he wasn't giving too much of a reaction to the six inches and he looked unsatisfied... I didn't like him looking like that.

"That's enough." I commanded as I grabbed his wrist bringing the handcuffs up to it and fastening one hand, I wrapped them around the bar of the headboard and bound his other hand making him shiver. I looked down to see the dildo still inside of him, I pulled it out slowly making him gasp. Once it was fully out I grabbed the cock ring and the gag holding them up so Izuku could see.

"Which one first?" He shook his head.

"Both... and the collar..." I smirked as I slid the cock ring onto his... well, cock. I then grabbed the collar and brought it to his neck making sure it was fastened tightly, the chain was resting on his chest while I tied the gag in his mouth, he bit onto the red ball in his center.

"Now I have a single rule. If something is too much or something hurts you have to let me know. Since you can't talk just pinch my thigh or something and I'll stop right away." He slowly nodded.

"Do you want any prep before or was the dildo enough?" He shook his head, I took that as no prep. I took off up boxers and put a line of lube on my member before pumping it twice and putting it into his hole. He shut his eyes, his screams being muffled by the gag. Weirdly I heard the door close but I just assumed it was my imagination and didn't look. No one has a key anyways. I waited a second before he pushed himself onto me letting me know he was ready, I started slowly thrusting picking up my pace. Every time I moved he screamed it hurt me to see the tears coming out of his eyes. All of a sudden I felt a light pinch on my thigh. I stopped everything and instantly pulled out taking the gag off so he could talk.

"Is everything alright? Was I being to ruff? Is two days too much?" I asked frantically.


"Then what is it?"

"N-Never mind..." I tilted my head. Was he hiding something?

"Izuku you can't hide things from me. Tell me what's wrong." I demanded, I saw more tears in his eyes and I quickly changed my expression.

"Hey, hey it's ok. But you have to tell me or else I can't continue."

"C-Can we take th-these off? I-It just reminds m-me of Shigaraki..." He was scared to ask me to stop something. Right now I'm putting everything on halt. He needs to trust that I'll do anything he needs.

"Of course. But after we have to talk quickly then we'll go back ok?"

"W-Wait I'm sorry! W-We c-can keep them on! It's f-fine!" He tried apologizing as I got off the bed grabbing the box and finding the key.

"No it's not. If you're uncomfortable with them then we take them off. That's how it worked." I tried my best to not sound angry but it was to no use. I came back with the key and undid the handcuffs throwing them onto the nightstand with the keys. I sat next to him as he brought himself up.

"Alright. I need to make one thing clear." He shakily gave a nod.

"If you don't like something you have to tell me. I won't be mad at all but I want you to feel as nice as I do. Never apologize and say we don't have to do something. If you don't want it tell me."

"O-O-Ok... I'm sorry." I smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Good. Now, do you want to go back or just cuddle?"

"C-Cuddle please..." He still sounded unsure.

"Alright." I of course still had a painful erection but I'll deal with it later.

"Do you want to change first?" He shook his head as I took the cock ring off and put it on the nightstand with the collar and gag. I pulled him under the sheets with me, he flipped around so we were facing each other and he wrapped his arms around me holding my back. I smiled and wrapped an arm around his waist while he fell asleep.

(1135 Words)

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