chapter one

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Author's pov

Beep.. beep.. beep.. beep...

"Her heart is beating alright and so far she's getting better. She's improving a lot." The doctor says and smiled.

"That's good news, thanks doc." Raiko says as the doctor left the room.

Raiko sighed happily and smiled at the sleeping Y/n on the hospital bed. Raiko checks the time and decided to get food for dinner.

He grabbed his jacket and went out. He stuffs his hands in his pockets as the cold air blew. Raiko stops at his store and went in.

"Good evening sir." The teenage boy greets his boss with a smile. "Good evening to you too. It's getting late, I suggest you go home kid." Raiko said while walking to the food section.

"But sir-"

"It's okay, closing time is near anyways." Raiko said and the boy nods his head. He went to gather his stuff and head out.

"Be careful kid!" Raiko says as the boy walks away. "I will!"

Raiko smiled once more and picked out some Onirigi (japanese rice balls). He then closed the lights, locked the doors and closed all the windows.

Raiko went back to the hospital and when he entered Y/n's room, he saw her already awake while staring out the window.

"Hey kid, I've got some rice balls." Raiko says as he sat down on the chair next to Y/n.

"Thanks Raiko." Y/n said and smiled while accepting the food he offered.

It's been about a month of living in the hospital and it wasn't really that great for Y/n. The only place she can go out is at the small park behind the building for the patients.

The two finished eating and decided to call it a day. Raiko went home and Y/n washed herself up before going to bed.

Once she's finished, she was about to close the lights until she heard a knock on the door.

"Miss Y/n, it's time for bed." A nurse came in and Y/n greeted her.

"Do you need anything?" The nurse asked. "No thank you, I'll be heading to bed now." Y/n replies and gave her a polite smile.

The nurse went back to check on the other patients and Y/n turned off the lights then tucked herself to bed.


Your POV

"Hey are you okay?" A soft and angelic voice was heard.

I feel myself sitting down and looking down. I see someone's feet and I tried to look up but somehow I can't.

"Are you okay miss?" The soft voice asked once again.

I tried to speak and it worked!

"H-hello?" Was the word I manage to say. "Oh thank goodness you spoke. Are you okay?" The soft voice said.

"Yes." I replied and I felt the person grab my hand and helped me up.

I felt so lighter and the way the person touched me felt.. so real. We were  now standing up but I still can't move my head upwards to see the person's face.

"Great, can you move your head up?" The person said and Y/n tried to hoping it would move but it wouldn't.

"I- I can't."

"It's okay, I'll help you but first you need to follow me." The person said and grab a hold of my hand.

"You're gonna be okay now. Can you walk?" The person asked and I tried to take a step but I couldn't move my feet.

"I can't. My feet won't move." I manage to stop stuttering and the person went silent for a few seconds.

"It's okay, look at me." The person says and I see the person's arm in front of me. The person grabbed my chin gently and moved my head.

Wait how?

My heart was beating fast and not knowing I was so nervous.

I was now going to face her..

"Miss Y/n!" I opened my eyes and felt myself nervous. I squinted my eyes adjusting to the sun light.

"Miss Y/n, it's morning. I checked on you and looks like you were having a bad dream." The nurse said and I sat up.

I put my hand on my chest and felt my heart beating fast.. like that dream. But I only saw the person's lips. They were shaped like a heart and it kinda looked cute.

"I've called Raiko and he's coming over with breakfast." The nurse paused for a moment before speaking again.

"How are you feeling?" The nurse asked. I looked at the nurse with a relieved smile.

"I feel relieved." I replied and the nurse smiled. "Alright, I'll be checking on the other patients. Do you need anything?" The nurse asked.

"Um.. no thanks." I replied and the nurse left.

I sighed and pressed my back on the pillow. I was lost in thought and I snapped out of it when Raiko arrived with breakfast.

"Hey kid, heard you were freaking out while you were asleep." Raiko said and sat down on the chair as he puts the breakfast down on the table.

I sighed, hesitant to tell him about the dream.

"Yeah, just had a bad dream." I said and stood up to wash my face and drank water.

"Well I'm glad your okay, now come on let's eat!" Raiko says cheerfully as I sat beside him.

"Thanks for the breakfast." I said.

"Ah no problem kiddo." Raiko replies and I smiled in return.

End of Chapter one.

Thanks for reading! Stay safe as always!

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