chapter two

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Your POV

After eating breakfast with Raiko he went back to his store and here I am on the bed still thinking about that weird dream.

Who could it be? I assume it was woman, I could tell from the lips and the hair. I'm not sure though, it could possible a guy with long hair too.

I sighed as I stood up and called the nurse that was required to watch over me. A few seconds later the nurse arrives.

"Do you need something?" The nurse asked. "I'm just going outside and is it okay if you accompany me?" I asked and she nodded.

Archie has been taking care of me and she's always hyper when doing her job. She's the nurse that is assigned to look after me and we never get to talk a lot but I really see her as a good friend.

We walked around at the small park at the back of the hospital building and sat down after.

"Can I ask you something?" I said and leaned my back in the bench.

"Sure." Archie replied and smiled.

"Is it okay if Raiko could send some of my painting and drawing supplies?" I asked.

"Yes of course, does it make you feel better when you paint?" She asked and I turned to look at her.

"Yeah, and drawing makes me feel at ease." I replied truthfully.

"Of course, I'll tell him when he comes." Archie said and smiled. "No, that won't be necessary. I'll tell him later and he can bring the supplies tomorrow." I said and stood up.

"Wall me back to my room?" I asked and Archie smiled then stood up to walk me back to my room.


It's been about two hours and I'm here sitting down on my bed with a notebook and pencil in hand.

Ever since that dream, I feel like I need to list down what happened but I don't remember the details.

I sighed once more before closing the notebook in my hands and putting them back in the table next to me.

I checked the time and it was almost lunch time. I was about to lie down when I heard my phone ringing.

I raised an eyebrow thinking who could it be and went to grab my phone.

It's Raiko, I gladly answered and sat down on the bed.

"Hey kid, I'm coming over with your favorite food!" I smiled as soon as I heard him.

"Thanks Raiko, you're the best." I said and talked to him for a few more seconds.

"Alright I'm almost there, see you!"

"See you." I hang up and put my phone away.

--- (let's just skip that part cause it's gonna be boring for ya'll)

Author's Pov:

Time passed and it was time for Y/n to go back to sleep.

She tucked herself to bed and closed her eyes.


"Hi there!"

Y/n opens her eyes and looked around her surroundings. It was snowing in the evening and she was somewhere in the city.

She walked around and heard someone's voice.

"Hello!" That familiar voice.

Y/n looked toward the street and saw a woman inside a car. She looked stunning with her long wavy hair down and that familiar lips. "Me?" Y/n asked while pointing at herself.

"Yeah you. What your name?" The woman asked and Y/n walked towards the car. "I'm Y/n."

"Hi Y/n! I'm Jisoo!" The moment she smiled, Y/n stood there frozen.

"Well? Hop in I'm taking you somewhere." Jisoo said and Y/n snapped out of her thoughts.

"What? But I just met you." Y/n said and Jisoo laughed. "I know." She said and smiled.

"Um.. I guess." Y/n said with a confused look and hopped in the car.

"Do you know how to drive?" Y/n asked. "Of course silly." Jisoo chuckled and Y/n smiled a little.

Y/n puts on her seatbelt and Jisoo started  to drive. "You're not going to murder me.. are you?" Y/n asked and Jisoo laughed.

"Does this face looks like the type of person who would murder someone?" Jisoo said and Y/n chuckled.

"No but still."

"Ah don't worry, I'm taking you to somewhere nice." Jisoo says and then the setting changed but they were still in the car.

It was sunny and there's a beach on their right side while the city is on the left side.

"Wait it's morning?" Y/n asked.

"Always have been cutie." Jisoo said and giggled. "Hey don't call me that." Y/n said as her face turned red.

"Whatever you say.. cutie." Jisoo laughed as Y/n groaned while looking out the window.

"Here we are." Jisoo stopped the car and the two went out. "Follow me." Y/n unknowingly followed her and they ended up at a beach resort.

Y/n looked around and the resort seemed a little empty.

"Hey guys! Meet my new friend." Jisoo shouts and they headed to where Jisoo's friends were.

"Say hi to Y/n."

"Hello I'm Rosé nice to meet you."

"Hi I'm Lisa!"

"Sup, the name's Jennie."

"H-hi my name's Y/n." Y/n stuttered as she stared at the beautiful girls in front of her.

"She's a little shy." Jisoo teased as Y/n felt herself lighter. That's when her vision went black.


Y/n wakes up with a gasp and felt herself breathing loudly.

"What the heck?" She whispered. It was still dark and Y/n stood up and went to the bathroom.

She opened the lights and sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"That was such a weird dream. Who were they anyway?" Y/n said and shook her head.

"Gah, I should probably go back to sleep." Y/n said and turned off the lights and went back to sleep.

Thankfully, she didn't have another dream.

End of Chapter two

How was it? Thanks for reading and Stay safe everyone!

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