chapter three

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Your pov

"Hello? Are you okay?"

"Shh.. you might wake her up."

"But what if she's dead?"

"Oh for goodness sake, she's fine."

Familiar voices is the first thing that I heard. I felt myself laying down on a bed and I couldn't move my body.

I opened my eyes and squinted my eyes. I looked to my right and saw someone sitting next to me.

"Oh good you're awake." That same familiar voice.

I tried to move my body and luckily I manage to move. I sat up and looked at the person better.

"J-Jisoo?" I stuttered. "You remember my name!" She said and smiled widely.

"Of course she does. It's not like she got hit by a car or something." I flinched as I heard someone else talking. I turned to my left and saw Jennie I think.

She was sitting down on a chair with a cigarette in her hand.

"Aren't you too young to smoke?" I asked. "No." She replied coldly.

"Jennie, she's our friend. You can't just treat her like that." Jisoo says and stood up to take Jennie's cigarette away.

"And I already told you to stop smoking. It's bad for your health." Jisoo glared at her and disposed the cigarette away.

"It's not like she's the same person we met long ago." Jennie mumbled and I literally heard it cause she's right next to me.

"Shush, we don't speak of her. She's long gone." Jisoo said sternly and sighed.

"Who's.. her?" I asked. "You don't have to know. Come on, Chaeng and Lisa are waiting for you." Jisoo changed her expression with a smile on her face.

She grab a hold of my hand and I felt my face turn red. Jisoo immediately let's go before rambling.

"Oh, are you uncomfortable? Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay." I said reassuringly and smiled. I grabbed her hand and she stood there flustered.

"Oh come on, let's go." Jennie says as she walks in towards us, breaking away our hands so she can walk in between us.

Moment ruined.

We awkwardly head downstairs and met with Chaeyoung and Lisa at the living room.

"Y/n!" "How are you feeling?"

They ran over to me and enveloped me in a hug. I giggled as I hugged them back.

"I'm feeling okay." I replied and we pulled away from the hug.

"How long have I been out though?" I asked. "You've been out for only an hour." Jisoo replied and I nodded in response.

"So um.. what now?" Lisa said and I realised I didn't know where my home is. Gah this stupid dream didn't even give me a home.

"Oh dear.. I don't know where I live.." I said awkwardly and they stared at me with a confused expression.

"Y/n.. you live here at the resort." Chaeyoung said and I widen my eyes in shock. "Should we show you to your place?" Jisoo asked and I just nodded still shock. ((´⊙ω⊙'))

We went out and the first thing I see is the beautiful view of the beach. Jisoo showed me where I stay.

 Jisoo showed me where I stay

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"Woah, that's where I live?" I said as I looked at the place in awe

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"Woah, that's where I live?" I said as I looked at the place in awe. It's a tiny house.

"Yeah, our friend use to live there but uh yeah you live there now." Jisoo said and smiled.

"Thanks." I said and smiled. "You can check the place out, we'll be outside preparing to grill some food." Jisoo said and I nodded in response.

I entered the place and it was cute and small. At the left side of the door, there's a small couch and a small hang out spot on top. A kitchen and bathroom at the right with the bed on top.

It looks kinda new too.

I think I'm gonna like this place.

I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes. Listening to the calm sounds of waves crashing, I drifted off to sleep.


I open my eyes in a surprisingly calm way. I sighed happily as I remembered the dream.

I do hope this dream continues. Even though it still feels weird. I have a feeling that I'm gonna be staying in that dream for a while.

I sighed and had an idea. The sounds of waves crashing made me want to sketch the beach. Even though I only got to look at it for a few seconds in my dream, I know exactly what to draw in my mind.

I sat up and got my sketch pad, pencil and eraser then got ready draw.

A short chapter with the dream scene for ya'll. I'm sorry if there's not a lot of Jennie moments, but there will be more in the next few chapters.

Stay safe everyone!

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