chapter four

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Your pov

"Do you need more paint Y/n?" I heard Raiko ask for the fifth time while his head was poking out from the door.

"No thanks, I've got enough." I replied and smiled while brushing some colors on the canvas.

"Okay, just call me when you need more paint and stuff." He said and smiled reassuringly. "I will, thanks Raiko." I replied as he smiled and left my room.

Raiko and I just finished dinner and he bought some of my supplies since I felt like painting something.

I sighed happily as I put my hand down from brushing and looked at my art with a smile. I painted a few more touches and within ten minutes, I finished.

I put all my painting supplies away and stood back. I stared at the painting with a smile on my face feeling satisfied.

 I stared at the painting with a smile on my face feeling satisfied

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I sighed and cleaned up the mess I made.


After cleaning up, I went to the bathroom then cleaned myself and brushed my teeth.

I grabbed my phone and took a picture of the art and a yawn escaped my mouth.

7:56 PM

I closed the lights and went to bed. I yawned once again and closed my eyes.


"Y/n! It's time for lunch." I opened my eyes surprised to suddenly hear Jisoo's voice. I sat up and looked around.

I was still in the tiny house I guess. I went down and got out. I saw the four of them outside and Chaeyoung along with Jisoo were grilling some food.

Lisa and Jennie were setting up the table and chairs. I smiled to myself and walked towards the four.

"Can I do anything to help?" I asked.

"Don't worry we got it covered." Lisa said and smiled. I nodded not knowing what to say then I decided to walk towards the shore.

"Be careful!" Chaeyoung shouted as I waved at her as a signal that I'll be fine.

As I got closer, I could hear the waves louder. I stopped in my tracks and breathed in. It was so peaceful and I felt like I was home.

I stood there for a few more seconds before going back.

We all sat down together and Jisoo insisted for me to sit down on the head seat.

        Jennie Rosé
Me      (table)
        Jisoo  Lisa

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