chapter seven

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Coastline•by Hollow Coves

Y/n's Pov:

"Y/n dinner's ready!" I heard Raiko shout from downstairs and I shut my book and put it down on the table.

I grabbed my hair tie and tied my hair into a messy ponytail. Then I went downstairs and was engulfed with the delicious smell of food.

"Alright wash up your hands and eat." Raiko said and I did was he said.

We sat down and started eating peacefully. "Raiko.."


"Do you ever dream every night?" I asked.

"Well.. not really. Why?" He asked.

"Oh um.. I just had this dream and I had it again the next night."

"What do you mean?"

"I dreamt of the same setting, and same people but with different things happening.." I paused and Raiko was listening attentively.

"Somehow it felt.. real." I said and the memory of the dream came rushing back to my mind.

"Have you felt anything lately?" H easked worriedly. "No, I feel fine." I replied.

"Hmm.. Try keeping track of your dreams. Maybe write them down and if you feel anything we'll visit the doctor or something."

"Thanks Raiko. I'll keep that in mind." I said as I showed him my real smile and he returned the favor.


It was time to sleep and I kept wondering if I go to that dream again.

It would be a miracle if I do.

I finished taking a quick warm shower and put on some pajamas. I turned off the lights and was left with the lamp.

I sighed and looked around my bedroom. "First night in my new room, hope nothing happens." I whipered to myself and tucked myself to bed.

I close my eyes and a few minutes later I fell asleep.


"Good morning Y/n!" Chaeyoung?

"Sshh.. she's probably still sleeping." Jisoo?

"I'll wake her up, you guys help Jennie make breakfast." Yep that's Jisoo.

"No fair, I wanna be with Y/n." Lisa?

"Go on now."

"Fineee.." I heard Lisa say and footsteps fading away.

I felt someone wrap their arms around ma body and slowly lift me up.

"gosh, we should've put you to bed earlier." I heard Jisoo said.

"I know right." I spoke which made Jisoo surprised and slipped on the floor. I open my eyes and before anything else we fell on the floor while Jisoo was literally on top of me.

"Aish.. why do you have to surprise me like that?" Jisoo said and I felt myself hot.


Jisoo stood up and fixed herself. She then held out her hand for me.

"Come on, it's breakfast time." She said and I grabbed her hand as she helped me stand up.

"Sorry for scaring you." I said and chuckled nervously.

"It's okay, as long as your not hurt." She said and smiled. I smiled back and I followed her out of the tiny house to their huge house.

"You're lucky I l... ..." I heard Jisoo mumble but I didn't hear the last few words. I decided to shrug it off and we entered their house.

"Just in time, breakfast is ready." Rosè said and put on a cheerful smile.

We all sat down and started eating breakfast until it hit me.

"What happened to me?" I asked and everyone went silent.

"We were playing a game and you got passed out-"

"You drank too much alcohol last night." Jennie said with a blank expression cutting off Chaeyoung.

My eyes widen and I dropped my utencils. "What?! I drank!?"

"Why did you have to say that unnie?" Chaeyoung said and pouted.

"Don't worry Y/n, Jennie is just messing with you." Lisa said and chuckled.

"Well her face looked hilarious." Jennie said and smirked. "Thats enough Jen." Jisoo said and Jennie continue eating.

"But its actually part my fault since I made you play with me for a long time." Jisoo said and smiled nervously.

"That game was like a drug, unnie was addicted to it." Lisa said and laughed.

"It's okay, as long as I didn't  consume any alcohol." I said and drank my milk. (Milk is noice)

"Why?" Rosè asked.

"My docto- I mean I just don't like alcohol and I avoid drinking a lot." I said. phew I almost spilled the beans there.

"Really? I thought you were one of those people who are cute but badass at the same time." Lisa said which earned a snack from Jisoo.

"Finish your breakfast." Jisoo said and went to the kitchen to wash her dishes.

I smiled and finished my breakfast with my head full of unnecessary thoughts.

Short update for y'all sorry about that. I'll try to update as soon as I can and until then, Thanks for reading!

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