chapter nine

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Beautiful Lie•by Banjamin Roustaing

Your POV:

I woke feeling disappointed and weird. I usually have dreams with those girls, and now I don't.

I sighed as I glanced at my alarm clock and tidy up my bed. 8:34 AM

I went to the bathroom and washed my face then I went downstairs to see Raiko preparing breakfast.

"Right on time kid." Raiko said as he puts the plates on the table.

We sat down and started eating peacefully.

"So did you eat last night?" Raiko asked. "Yeah, I went to this restaurant and there was a band that played music there." I said and smiled while enjoying my food.

"Sorry I wasn't able to eat with ya." Raiko said as I shook my head.

"No no I get it. You're working and I appreciate your hard work." I said as Raiko smiled at me.

"Thanks kid. Hey how bout we go out later!" Raiko suggested as I nodded my head. "Sure but don't you have work though?" I asked.

"I'll be home early so we can spend some time." Raiko said as I agreed and we continue eating.

After eating breakfast, I went to the bathroom and took a shower. Then I put on some clothes.

I went up to the attic or so called "My art room" since I do my art there now.

I prepared all the things and went to open the door as fresh air came in the room.

I sat down on the stool in front of the painting and started to paint.

---(Timeskip cos why not ._.)

Author's POV:

After a few hours, it was time for lunch. Y/n was almost finished with her art and decided to walk around the house.

It wasn't big but it wasn't small either. She walked around and stopped in front of Raiko's room. She sighed and reached for the door knob.

Maybe I shouldn't. Y/n thought.

Just a little peek won't hurt right?

Y/n opened the door slowly and revealed Raiko's room. The room was tidy and clean.

Walls were painted in black and grey. There was a table on the right side of the room with papers and other stuff.

Y/n entered the room and looked around. She spotted a guitar by Raiko's bed and went to grab it.

"Woah.." She mumbled.

I haven't used this in years. Y/n thought as she let her fingers play with the strings. She sat down on the bed on the left side away from the door.

She put her fingers on the right spots of the strings and started to play.

She cleared her throat and started singing. She wasn't the best but she has control.

We don't analyze, it might kill the fire
I'll order coffee for two
So we share a kiss, don't need to label this
Lone leaf is better with you

Life is kind of complicated and I don't wanna waste another day
Live a little for the moment, let tomorrow hurt like hell.

But hey, wanna come round?
I'm not too busy now, just kind bored feeling lonely
We're no more than friends, first line of self-defense
We're getting lost in the moment
It's a crisis in the making
Look, there's death through the door on the kitchen floor
But hey, wanna come round?
No strings, just hanging out
Oh, what a beautiful lie

Oh, what a beautiful lie

After the song ended, she heard someone's voice.

"You know, you should try to sing more." Y/n turned around and saw Raiko standing by the door frame.

"You're back already?" Y/n asked as she put the guitar back to its original place.

"Yeah, but I wasn't expecting you in my room singing and playing." Raiko said and chuckled.

"Sorry about that." Y/n said and stood up.

"That's fine, you can come here anytime. I didn't know you could play the guitar." Raiko said as he entered the room and sat down on the bed.

"I haven't played in years." Y/n said as she sat beside Raiko as he grabs the guitar and smiled.

"You know, I used to sing and I would always use this guitar." Raiko said as he touched the strings with his fingers.

"Really?" Y/n asked making sure.

"Mhm. I wasn't famous but I was able to do the things I love. I did play once in a concert and that was an amazing day. I still remember everything about it, the people cheered and I was singing my heart out." Raiko said as
Y/n listened attentively.

"How long did you play?" Y/n asked.

"I started at 28 and stopped at 32. Now I'm 40."

"Was it a great experience?" Y/n asked.

"Oh it was an spectacular experience." Raiko replied as he smiled widely.

"I think you'd be a great singer if you just try." Raiko said and Y/n smiled.

"Do you play a few songs after lunch?" Raiko asked and Y/n agreed.

After lunch the two spend their time together as they played songs. They would sometimes switch on who will play the guitar.


5:32 PM

"Oh wow, we've been playing for a few hours. Maybe we should rest." Raiko said and Y/n nodded.

"Let's go out tonight for dinner." Raiko said and Y/n nodded.

"Who's paying?" Y/n asked.

"It's on mine tonight." Raiko said and Y/n went to prepare.

She changed her outfit and grabbed her wallet and phone.

She changed her outfit and grabbed her wallet and phone

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To be continued..

Hey y'all just wanted to let ya know the end is very near. But I am planning a new book so stay tuned!

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