chapter ten (last Chap :/ )

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Make it with you•by Ben & Ben

Author's POV:

"Ready!" Y/n shouts as she went downstairs. "Alright let's go!" Raiko said as the two went out and got in the car.

The two drove around the city while looking for a place to eat. "Hey do you know that new restaurant?" Raiko asked.

"No is it cool?"

"They say, you can show off your talents. There's a mini stage I think. Do you think you could give it a try?" Raiko asked.

"Sure, but you have to play with me." Y/n said and giggled. "Deal." Raiko replies with a smile.


Once they arrived, Raiko finds a parking spot and they entered the restaurant.

"Thank you!" They heard clapping and cheering as someone just finished their performance.

Y/n and Raiko found a table for two and sat down. A few seconds later, a waiter arrived and took their orders.

"Would you like to perform something while you wait?" The waiter asked politely.

Y/n and Raiko looked at each other before saying the same thing at the same time.

"Do you have a guitar?"

The waiter blinked for a few times before smiling. "Yes we do, wait here I'll go get it for you." The waiter said and left to get a guitar.

Thirty seconds later, the waiter came back with a guitar in his hands.

"Here you go sir. This way to the stage." The waiter said and led them  up the stage.

"May I know your names?" the waiter asked as the two told the waiter thier names.

The waiter puts a stool down on the mini stage and put a microphone on it's holder. He turns on the microphone before speaking.

"Excuse me.."

Then everyone went silent as they turned their attention to the waiter.

"Why am I nervous?" Y/n whispered at Raiko. "Don't worry you'll do great." Raiko said and showed her a comforting smile.

"What song would you like to sing?" Raiko asked. "Do you perhaps know Lifetime?" Y/n asked nervously.

"By Ben and Ben? I got it." Raiko said and nodded as Y/n smiled.

"Ladies and Gentlemen.. Y/n and Raiko!" The waiter announces as the two went up to the stage.

Raiko sat down on the stool with the guitar ready as stood infront of the microphone. Y/n didn't pay much attention to the audience so she can focus and hope to not mess up.

Raiko started strumming and Y/n prepared herself. What she didn't know was that there was four pairs of eyes watching her curiously.

Was there a lifetime waiting for us in a world where I was yours?
Paper planes and porcelain
Smell of rain through the window pane
And the sight of you
Oh, you were a good dream

I was scared to lose you then
But secrets turn into regrets
Buried feelings grow
Oh, you were a good dream

They suddenly heard someone sing with Y/n as she turned around and was met with those familiar car eyes.

The two continue to sing together as Y/n was overly excited.

Was there a lifetime waiting for us in a world where I was yours?
Was it the wrong time, what if we tried giving in a little more
To the warmth we had before?

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