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Ella was heartbroken over the fact that aimee was pregnant. She was happy for her but she knew now it was the end of her and Simon. He had told her that.

Ella was hurt as she knew that he was her deputy head and she was a student and she knew that it couldn't happen but she didn't care. She still wanted him after everything

Ella looked and smiled as she walked into the kitchen and saw Tom, Tom looked to her and smiled

"are you okay princess? You seem off" he asked as she nodded

"I was talking to mum, she was talking over me going t o see her in the holidays for a bit" Ella said as Tom looked to her and sighed

"she wants you to go back to Rochdale doesn't she?" Tom asked as Ella nodded

"I don't know, she said if I don't want to she'll come back but I think she misses chlo and Mika" Ella said as Tom smiled

"you can do what you want, I'm still your dad and I'll come and visit" Tom dark as ella looked to him and smiled

"I know, it's not the same thought. Greenock just isn't what we thought it would be" Ella said. She knew that she was considering moving back because of Simon and to get away from him

Ella got to school and stood in the hallway. She saw Aimee and Simon and sighed. She knew that she couldn't do it, she couldn't stay and look at them.

She couldn't watch as they had a child together and were happy as it killed her. It killed her to see them. Ella ran a hand through her hair and sighed. She looked as Aimee walked over to Tom and they started to talk as Ella and Simon made eye contact for a moment before she walked off.

Ella hated it. Ella walked down the hall as Simon walked after her and grabbed her arm and smiled as he looked to her

"your avoiding me" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes

"clever aren't you? It's for the best, you said it was over. It is over. Now go and be with Aimee and be happy, you don't need to worry over me" she said as he pulled her close and kissed her

"of course I worry over you, I always will" he said as they looked to each other for a moment as they held a look before he pulled her close and kissed her. Ella kissed him back

He lead her into the classroom as they kissed more passionate. He lifted her up on to the desk as he got between her legs

"we shouldn't" Ella said between kissed

"I know" Simon said as he pulled her close, she started to undo his belt as he pulled her close and pushed into her

Ella moaned against him as he started to move in and out of her, she dug her nails into him and groaned in pleasure.

Ella knew it was wrong, he was with Aimee and they were having a baby but she knew sex with him felt so good and so right and she couldn't stop it if she wanted to. She wanted him and she didn't care just how wrong it really was

Ella stood in the hallway as Aimee walked over, Simon was standing across the hall and was watching them

"so I spoke to Tom, he told me that your thinking of leaving for good?"

"It's for the best"

"Im having a baby I want you to be here" Aimee said as Ella sighed

"I'm miserable and I want to be with my mum and my sisters. It's for the best, I'm leaving" Ella said unaware fo how Simon had heard and he wasn't happy.

He wasn't going to let Ella leave not when she meant so much to him

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