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5 years ago

     Astrid awoke to the sunlight filling her room. She looked over to her clock seeing that it was 10 in the morning. She scrunched her face in confusion and threw her blankets off of her. Usually her father would have woken her up by this time. She looked around rubbing her small hand through her hair before standing and walking down the stairs in their small home. It was only her and her father. Her mom had left when her dad got involved in trying to stop you-know-who. This was when Astrid was 5. She was now 10 and hadn't heard from her mother ever since.

   She noticed the house was extremely quiet, usually in the mornings her father was moving about. Either he was making breakfast or reading The Daily Prophet while listening to music and humming along. This morning there was nothing but complete silence. She reached the bottom of the stairs and headed towards the kitchen. As soon as she walked in she noticed no one was there. Thinking he had went out to pick something up from the store of some sort she grabbed a bowl and made herself some cereal. As soon as she began eating she heard footsteps moving towards her. Quickly she turned seeing a figure moving her way. Her eyes widened and she jumped off of the small wooden chair stepping back before she saw their face. It was only Remus, one of her godfathers. 

"Don't do that" the little girl said with a huff before giggling. Remus' face stayed completely blank. Her eyebrows furrowed sensing that something was wrong.

"Where's daddy?" she questioned quickly. Remus looked as he had not slept at all last night.

"Sit down Astrid" he said as he took a seat at the table. Astrid stepped towards him and pulled her chair back towards the table before taking a seat. Sadness took over Remus as he watched the small girl lean forward and place her hands on the table, her big green eyes filled with confusion. He leaned forward, placing his hand on top of hers.

"Your father, he was taken last night by the ministry of magic" Remus began. Panic filled the young girl and he noticed, wrapping his fingers around her small hand and squeezing. "Don't worry Astrid. He is safe, but he won't be back for a while."

"Why didn't he tell me goodbye?" Astrid asked with hurt filling her voice.

"He didn't have time. He really wanted to Astrid. I know he did."

"Do I stay here until he comes back?" Astrid questioned, still not fully grasping onto the fact that he was going to be gone for a long time.

"No. You can't. Your father specifically said you will be sent to live with your mother in America."

"My mother?" the girl asked removing her hand from Remus' quickly. "Can I stay with you? Please Remus."

Remus eyes began brimming with tears. He would love nothing more than to look after the small girl. Her father had specifically told Remus she needed to go with her mom. It was safer there.

"Your father wants you there and I have to respect his wishes. It is safer there for you" Remus said softly.

"It's not! It's safe with you and daddy" she exclaimed, tears now spilling from her eyes.

"Astrid there are things you do not yet know of that you will soon. A darkness is coming and you need not be around it."

The small girl walked to Remus before wrapping her arms around his waist. He held back tears as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, running his fingers through her sandy blonde hair. She sobbed into his chest and all he could do was hold her for now. This is not was she wanted. This is not what he wanted. But it was what she needed.

5 years later

     Astrid stepped out of the car and looked up to the ever so familiar house of Remus Lupin. A small smile crossed her lips, something she hadn't felt in a long time. Ever since she was sent to live with her mother Astrid and Remus had kept in close touch, sending letters at least once a week. Through this time she had heard nothing from her father. He was in Azkaban she had eventually been informed. Another one of her godfathers had been sent years before her father for the death of 13 muggles along with his and her fathers close friends Lily and James Potter. Apparently he was around when Astrid was only a baby but of course she couldn't remember him. Somehow her father had been accused and after years of many trials he was convicted and taken to Azkaban as well. She had lived with her mother the past 5 years along with her mother's boyfriend and his son who were incredibly cruel towards Astrid. Her mother didn't care. She kept him around because he was her way of feeding her alcoholism. Astrid was sure she did more drugs but this was the only thing she knew her mother indulged in. She constantly had to deal with her mothers drunken rage and fits.

   She went to school at Ilvermorny, the school of witchcraft and wizardry her mother sent her to in order to 'get her out of her hair'.  Astrid was an amazing student with many achievements but no one to share them with. A month before, in January,  while sitting in potions class she was taken out and informed of her mothers passing. She was speeding down the freeway and ran off the road, overturning her vehicle 5 times. Her body had a high alcohol level in it, far more than the legal driving amount. Astrid didn't want to say she was relieved when she heard the news , but she knew she would be sent to live with Remus Lupin. That was the best news she had heard in 5 years. Her mothers crash was a month ago and after a month of legal things a worker for the ministry of magic had flew to the US and flown back with her before bringing her to Lupins home. 

 She was snapped out of her thoughts as she heard the cars engine turn back on. She turned to the woman who was driving and thanked her before sending her a small wave as the woman drove off into the dark night. Her head turned back to the door and she began hauling her large luggage and duffle bag towards it. She approached it and sat everything down. Taking a deep breath she knocked lightly and stepped back as she heard footsteps approach. A lock clicked and the door opened. She looked at the face of the man who opened it and immediately tears brimmed her eyes. He let out a warm smile and she walked forward practically jumping into his arms. He wrapped his arms firmly around her back and swung her back and forth before putting her down and pulling back. She smiled up at him as he returned the favor. 

"I've missed you so much" she said not caring about the tears drifting down her cheeks. 

"I missed you too sweetheart. I am terribly sorry about your mother Astrid" he said with a sympathetic look on her face. She didn't really miss her mother, she was never there anyways. The thing that bothered her the most was that she no longer had any family. Of course her dad was alive but it was almost as if he wasn't. 

"Thank you" she answered with a small smile. Remus grabbed her bags and hauled them in as she followed closing the door behind her. He sat the bags down and turned to her, wrapping her in a hug once again.

"We have a lot of catching up to do" he said quickly and she giggled. "Welcome home Astrid."

In this moment she didn't feel so alone and she knew she wouldn't anymore. Although she might have not had her family she had Remus. He was he family now, and that was all she needed. 

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