s e v e n t e e n || yule ball dates

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    The next morning Astrid felt awful

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    The next morning Astrid felt awful. She was very thankful it was Sunday, she didn't know if she would make it through classes that day if they had any. Nevertheless she had woken up for breakfast and was sitting between George and Fred. She had her head on George's shoulder as he ate his breakfast. She kept drifting in and out of sleep as she wrapped her arms around George's. Under the table he had rested his hand on her knee, Fred noticing and shooting him a wink. She was shook awake by laughing and she lifted her head, turning to see what the boys were giggling at.

"Mum's sent me a dress" Ron grumbled, holding up a traditional suit.

"Matches your eyes" she heard Harry say sending a smile onto her sleepy face. "Is there a bonnet? A-ha."

"Nose down Harry" Ron grumbled with a laugh before walking to his little sister. "Ginny these must be for you."

"I'm not wearing that, it's ghastly" the young girl replied, sending the twins and Astrid into laughter.

"What are you on about?" Ron questioned turning to a laughing Hermione.

"They're not for Ginny, they're for you" she said laughing. Fred and George began laughing even harder as Astrid laid her head back on George's shoulder, laughing as well. She tightened her arms around his as he rubbed her leg, looking at her with a smile before turning back to his brother.

"Dress robes" Hermione finished.

"Dress robes?" Ron questioned. "For what?"


Each house was taken to individual rooms as their head of houses explained the event that was coming. The Yule Ball. Astrid was not particularly excited for a dance, but Casey was over the moon. After the awkward talk by Snape and him trying his best to explain how to dance ,without actually dancing, the two girls exited the room and headed to their dorms.

"Are we supposed to ask them or they ask us?" Astrid asked Casey as they walked in sync.

"Well boys are supposed to ask girls traditionally but honestly it's not 1850 anymore so who cares" Casey replied and Astrid nodded.

"Who do you wanna go with?" Casey asked suddenly.

"I'm not sure" Astrid lied. "I guess whoever asks me?"

"Oh come on don't li-" Casey began but Astrid cut her off.

"What about you?" Astrid directed to the brunette.

"I'm not sure either" the girl replied with a shrug. Astrid of course knew who she wanted to go with, but she just didn't know whether to ask him or wait. She already hated this.


The next day everyone was running about, trying to find a date, and now everyone basically had one. The small group that didn't, included Astrid. Casey and Sailor tried encouraging her to ask people but she wouldn't do it. She hadn't seen George all day, so naturally she had assumed he had a date as well. She didn't even want to think of that, jealousy filling her mind. Suddenly a hand slipped into hers and pulled her away from her friends. The two girls giggled as they left Astrid, who turned around to see George.

"Where have you been?" Astrid asked, annoyance lacing her words.

"Well" he said with a sigh. "I was trying to plan something but I got caught and in trouble by Snape."

"What were you planning?" she asked and the boy began shifting around nervously. Astrid noticed and stepped forward, slipping her hand into his. The boy instantly relaxed his shoulders and took a deep breath.

"I was planning a way to a-ask you" he began but stopped, gritting his teeth.

"Ask me what?" Astrid questioned, her green eyes meeting the boys hazel ones. He smiled softly to her and took another deep breath.

"I wanted to ask if you would like to go to the Yule Ball with me" he finally let out. She smiled and jumped into his arms.

"Is that a yes?" George questioned.

"I have been waiting all day for you to ask!" the girl exclaimed, the boy widening his eyes.

"You have?"

"Oh, um" she began stuttering before backing away from the boy. "Anyways yes I will go."

He smiled and nodded as she blushed and walked away quickly towards her friends Sailor and Casey, who sent George a big thumbs up.


"This is mad" Astrid heard Ron say from a few seats beside her. "At this rate we'll be the only one's in our year without dates."

Gryffindor's and Slytherins were currently in study hall and Astrid was sitting beside George across from Casey and Fred. Hermione, Harry, and Ron were a few seats over from them therefore they could hear the two young boys moaning about not having dates. Fred slipped a piece of paper towards Ron who read it and looked to his brother.

"Who are you going with then?" Ron whispered. Fred looked to Casey and smirked. He poked her as she lifted her head quickly, an annoyed look playing across her face.

"Do you wanna go to the ball with me?" he whispered, acting out a dance. Casey giggled and rolled her eyes.

"Yea, sure Weasley" she said with a laugh. Ron rolled his eyes and looked to George next.

"Don't look at me I've already got one" George whispered.

"Who?" Ron asked quickly.

"Oh well who do you think Ronald" Hermione replied with a roll of her eyes. Their eyes landed on Astrid who simply smirked and turned back to her books. She saw George wink proudly to his brother and Astrid shook her head with a small laugh.

"Oi Hermione you're a girl" they heard Ron say and Astrid looked to Casey, covering their mouths from laughter as Snape shot them glares.

"Well spotted" Hermione snapped back.

"Come with one of us?"

Snape smacked Ron and then Harry with books before continuing pacing.

"Come on it's one thing for a bloke to go alone" Ron began. "For a girl it's just sad."

"I won't be going alone because believe it or not someone has asked me" Hermione snapped back, closing her books. Astrid smirked at the younger girl, she knew who had asked her. Hermione walked to Snape, shoving her book in his hand and going back to her seat to grab her things.

"And I said yes!" she said storming out of the room. Astrid raised her eyebrows to Ron and pursed her lips, turning once more back to her books.

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