Chapter 1: Friendship

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Y/n pov

Washington Lodge~1 Year Ago
1:48 a.m

  My eyes slowly opened to the sight of Beth laying on top of me, half naked. My arms were wrapped around her while the covers were keeping us warm. Beth and I were good friends who became friends with benefits after an intense night of truth or dare mixed with us being constantly horny for eachother. Yet, we agreed not to date, thinking our "arrangement" wouldn't last long; it's been almost two years now. Truth is, I like her alot but, I'm just afraid of losing what I already have.

  I was snapped out of my train of thought by Beth rolling over to my side and getting out of bed with a yawn.

Beth: "Hey sexy, how'd you sleep?"

Y/n: "Pretty good, feeling a bit achy and still extremely tired. Think I might go back to bed."

Beth: "Alright, I'll go check on the others, you know, make sure no one's burning down the lodge."

Y/n: "Alright, go babysit our friends." I said with a chuckle

Beth: "Sleep well, goodnight." she planted a quick kiss on my cheek.

Y/n: "G-good night, Beth." My cheeks were a bit red.

  Beth then put on her clothes and went downstairs to check up on everyone else. I on the other hand, fell back asleep in a matter of seconds, drifting off into a deep slumber.

Y/n pov
2:04 a.m

  I jolted out of bed at the sound of Sam bursting into my room practically screaming while crying;

Sam: "Y-y/n please...oh my god Beth and H-hannah...they're.....they..."

I quickly got up, put on a shirt and jacket and bolted down to the main floor.

Y/n: "Guys what the hell happened?"

Mike: "Y/n, I-I fucked up man. We, played a stupid prank on Hannah and she got upset and...and she ran off."

Y/n: "Wait you mean ran off outside!?"

Ashley: "Yeah and.....Beth went out looking for her but they haven't come back..."

Y/n: "I'm going after  them."

Matt: "Y/n wai-"

  But before Matt could finish his sentence I ran out of the lodge and into the woods to find Beth and Hannah. Was it a dumb idea? Yes. Was it irrational and emotional? Fuck yes. But it didn't matter. If there was even a slight chance that I could find them, then I'm going for it.

  I had been running for a few minutes when I found two branching paths.

Y/n: "Fuck..."

  I looked to the one on the left and found two set of footprints which probably belonged to Beth and Hannah. I followed the left path which eventually led me to a cliffside where I found a burnt corpse. At first glance you would think it was Hannah or Beth, but I could tell that this corpse....this....thing, wasn't human. As I got closer I could tell it's proportions were all off, but thanks to it being nothing more than a charred skeleton I couldn't identity who or what it was.

  I screamed out for Hannah and Beth multiple times but found no response. I decided to double back and go along the right path but it just looped back to where I found the corpse. But when I got there, the corpse was gone. I began panicking as my breathing became heavy and uneasy. My body was sweating despite the freezing cold. After almost an hour of searching I made my way back to lodge, where the other's had their faces full of hope quickly turn into disappointment and sorrow.

Y/n: "I-I couldn't find them....I-......I don't where they....."

  Tears fell down my face as I fell down onto my knees. Mike came next to me and patted my back and lifted me up. He the led me to the couch and sat me down.

Mike: "Hey, Y/n, Em already called the police and I'm sure they'll find them."

Y/n: "But what if they don't....."

Mike: "They will."

  He then got up to got talk to Emily, every was on edge and I was just blankly staring at the lit fireplace, tears still streaming down my face. I felt a warm hand on my cheek as I turned my head to see Sam cupping my cheek.

Sam: "Y/n, it's okay, don't cry, you did all you could. Like Mike said, the cops will bring them back."

Y/n: "I know they will I just-I just...."

  I them began sobbing as Sam brought me into a warm hug.

Sam: "Shhhh, it's okay, it's okay. I got you, everything's fine." she stroked my hair as the amount of tears decreased.

  I fell asleep in her arms, having horrible nightmares of the fate that might have awaited the Washington sisters.


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