Chapter 7: Despair

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Y/n pov

Tunnel to the Sanatorium
5:16 a.m

  Our party which now consisted of Chris, Sam, Em, Ashley and myself were on our way to find Mike and warn him about the Wendigo that were inside the Sanatorium. Sam and I were at the front, walking slightly ahead of the others.

Sam: "Come on guys hurry up, we gotta get to Mike!"

  We walked a bit more before Chris stopped and leaned up against a wall.

Chris: "H-hey guys? I'm kinda gimping it out over here. Maybe you guys should just leave me behind. I don't wanna slow you all down."

Ashley: "No Chris we're not leaving you here. It's too dangerous." she placed a hand on his cheek and gave him a reassuring smile.

Chris: "Alright alright. Just...slow down for me though."

We eventually made our way to the end of tunnel, but found that the doors were locked.

Sam: "Shit! Mike must have locked it when he entered."

Y/n: "Maybe I can try kicking it down."

  I kicked the door full force to no avail. The only thing that happened was that a vibrational pain went through my leg briefly.

Y/n: "Well, I don't think I can melt the lock with my flamethrower so...kinda out of options."

Ashley: "Hey what a out this grate?"

She was refering to a sort of sewer grate which seemed to lead directly below into the mines.

Y/n: That could work. Help me lift it open."

  I attached the gun of the flamethrower on my back and leaned down to help Sam and Ashley lift the grate up off the ground and move it to the side.

Y/n: "I'll go first, just to be sure it's safe."

Sam: "Be careful."

Y/n: "Always."

  Once I made it down the ladder and scanned the area to make sure it was clear, I called the other down.

Y/n: "Ok it's safe! You guys can come down!"

  Everyone started climbing down with Sam being first. I looked up at her while she was climbing and couldn't help but notice how good she looked in those pants.

Sam: "Enjoying the view?" she said with a giggle.

Y/n: "S-sorry. I just...wanted to make sure I could catch you if you fell."

Sam: "Suuure." she said jokingly.

I chuckled a bit and continued to march forward to find Mike. The others were behind me and I made sure to periodically turn my head back to make sure there wasn't a Wendigo following us. We eventually found ourselves in an open are of the mines, with the ladder to the upper area destroyed, most likely by a Wendigo.

Ashley: "Great, now we'll never reach Mike."

Sam: "N-no no...I...I think I can do it. Yeah, that wall there, it's like a climbing wall for rock climbing. I should be able to get up there. You guts head back and stay safe at the lodge and check up on the old dude."

Y/n: "No way in hell am I leaving you here defenceless. I'll go with you...just to make sure nothing happens."

Sam: "Aww, thanks." she said while pecking me on the cheek.

  The others went back towards the lodge while Sam and I started to scale the rock wall. Due to Sam's experience and the heavy flamethrower on my back, she was able to get up first.

Sam: "That's two wins for me now. And I couldn't help but noticed you didn't pay me back for losing last time." she said try to tease me.

Y/n: "Alright wanna play like about, once we make it out of all this...I take you out on a date."

Sam: "Deal. Just one more thing."

Y/n: "Oh yeah? And what might tha-"

  Sam cut me off by kissing me deeply. I could feel her hands rest on my face, they were shaking slightly. She pulled away and spoke in a somber voice.

Sam: "I just wanted to give you case we don't make it."

Y/n: "Sam, we will. All of us. I promise. Besides, if a Wendigo does show up and tries to eat us? I'll turn e'm into barbeque."

Sam: "My hero. Alright, let's get moving, we gotta find Mike." she said smiling.

We continued walking and found ourselves on a wooden walkway which seemed to have deteriorated. Suddenly we heard a loud rumble and the cave slightly shook.

Sam: "The hell was that?"

Y/n: "Probably an explosion. And if I had to guess, it was probably Mike that caused it."

  We were about to move again when a large rock from the ceiling fell down and destroyed a portion of the walkway. Sam lost her balance and nearly fell over the railing but I was able to grab her by her wrist and pull her back up to safety.

Y/n: "I got you!"

Sam: "Holy fucking shit! That was close! Thank you!"

Y/n: "No problem, just don't die on me."

Sam: "Will do."

  We jumped across the gap and Sam found a metal rod/pipe to use as weapon.

Sam: "Not defenceless anymore."

Y/n: "I mean...I guess it's better than nothing."

  We both continued and came across a metal door. Suddenly Mike bursted through the door as an already burned Wendigo leaped onto him.

Sam: "Hey fatty!"

  Sam swung her weapon at the Wendigo's head which knocked it back. She the hit it again which lobbed it's head off. Once it was dead an orange, ghost like thing came flying out of it and flew outside into the sky.

Mike: "Woah. Oh uh thanks but...what are you guys doing here.?"

Sam: "We came to warn you about the Wendigos."

Mike: "Yeah well, kinda got the message."

  I chuckled and ran my hand through my h/c hair.

Y/n: "Alright, let's find out where this fucker lives."

Author's Note: Sorry for the long wait, just had some personal stuff that I needed to deal with. Next chapter should be out soon hopefully.

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