Chapter 6: Revelation Part 2

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Y/n pov

Outside the Washington Lodge
4:31 a.m

  The Stranger handed Chris a shotgun and gave me a rifle as we exited the lodge, the snow storm seemed to have calmed down.

Stranger: "Now look, if anything happens, I need you two to bring others down into my hideout. I've got some supplies that should let you guys camp it out until dawn."

Y/n: "Hey, don't say that, we're all getting out of here alive."

Stranger: "Hmm, I like your optimism, I suspect at least one of us is gonna get killed on this rescue mission."

Chris: "Well let's sure as hell hope not."

  The three of us continued walking towards the shed while keeping our eyes open for any Wendigo.

Chris: "So uh, any other like, information we should know about when comes to taking on a Wendigo?"

Stranger: "Well, they can mimic people down their voices, and their vision is sort of messed up. They can't see you when you're standing still. Though I wouldn't test it, not unless it's your only option."

Chris: "Thanks."

  We eventually arrived at the shed and found Josh missing. There wasn't any trace of blood, but by the claw marks on the shed itself, it was clear that a Wendigo had broken into it and had taken Josh.

Chris: "Ah shit we're too late. W-we gotta find him maybe he-"

Stranger: "Listen, first... the Wendigo...he'll render you immobile, then he'll skin you, piece by piece as slowly as possible. The he'll feast on your organs, but not your vital ones. Then, when the pain reaches it's climax it rips your head off and eats the rest!"

Chris: "A-alright...I got it...jeez..." he said freaked out by the Stranger's words.

Suddenly a loud inhuman screeching was heard.

Stranger: "Don't move!" he whispered.

  The three of us stood incredibly still as the the sound grew quieter. It became quiet for a moment, but then the screeching became louder than before.

Stranger: "Run!"

  We all started running back to the lodge with the Stranger spraying a wall of flames behind us for cover. The Wendigo leaped around the fire and lunged at the Stranger. Before it could decapitate him I quickly fired the rifle and hit the creature in the head sending back. Chris then shot it in the head immediately after which made it temporarily retreat. Though I was able to save the Stranger he still got slashed on the chest.

Y/n: "Shit! Old man don't die on me! I need the flame thrower now!"

  I helped the Stranger take it off as Chris was covering for us if the Wendigo came back. I put the flame thrower on and called Chris over.

Y/n: "Chris I need you to help him up and bring him back to the lodge. I'll cover you. Can you still shoot with one arm?."

Chris: "Should be fine."

  Chris picked him up and put an arm around him while the Stranger held the rifle in one hand and had the other around Chris. We began running again but slower due to the Stranger's injuries. The Wendigo also decided to pay us another visit as it leaped at me. I was able to spray fire at it which caused it to dodge backwards.I sprayed some fire behind me as we ran to keep the Wendigo at bay. It eventually looped around us but Chris was able to shoot at some barrels which exploded and launched the Wendigo away.

  We were able to make it back inside and Ashley rushed down to get some medical supplies to tend to the Stranger.

Stranger: "O-once that girl gets back...I'll patch myself up all go hide downstairs....I'll stay here as a lookout."

Y/n: "But we ca-"

Stranger: "Kid! You saved my life. Now let get the chance to save yours."

Y/n: "Alright...fine...keep this then." I said as I pointed to the rifle.

Stanger: "Yes sir." he said jokingly.

  Chris and I went downstairs to the Stranger's hideout where the rest were.

Sam: "Oh my god Y/n!" she said before quickly kissing me.

Y/n: "Miss me?"

Sam: "Well, yeah...fuck thank god you're alive. Where's the flame thrower guy?"

Y/n: "Upstairs, he got injured but insisted on acting as our guard."

Mike: "What about Josh?"

Chris: "Missing, we think maybe the Wendigo kidnapped him and brought him somewhere."

Mike: "Fuck! Josh has the cable car key, we'll need that to get out of here."

Sam: "I thought our plan was to wait it out?"

Mike: "So what we can act like a gift all wrapped up waiting to get torn to shreds?"

Sam: "Fair enough."

Mike: "Em said it lives in the mines and...I found an entrance to the mines through the old sanitarium. We can go rescue Josh from there."

  While everyone was reviewing out plan Ashley spoke up.

Ashley: "Uh Em, what happened to your shoulder?"

Em: "I-it's's......just a bite...." she said quietly

Chris: "A bite!?:

Em: "Y-yeah it bit me while I was running towards the lodge..."

Mike: "It bit you!? could turn into one of those things."

Em: "What!? No...Mike..."

Sam: "Hey Mike calm down maybe you're misunderstanding something or-"

Ashley: "Oh my god oh my god! He said if it bit you then you could turn into one of them!"

  Mike then pointed a gun at Em with everyone in the room suddenly filled with a sense of fear.

Em: "Mike what the fuck are you doing!?"

Mike: "This is the safe room Em! And it's not safe if you're in it! Leave, or I'll make you."

Em: "Mike you're going to shoot"

Y/n: "Mike, please put the fucking gun down. There's been enough violence and traumatic experiences for a life time, let alone a single night."

  Mike then slowly and cautiously put the gun away, frustrated at himself for drawing a gun on his friends.

Mike: "Shit..fuck...sorry...I'll go back to the Sanitarium, hopefully get the cable car key."

Chris: "I'll go with yo- argh!"

Y/n: "Chris you ok!?"

Chris: "Y-yeah. Think the Wendigo slashed at my leg back there, didn't even feel it."

Mike: "Well you're no shape to come with me. You'd only slow me down."

Y/n: "Then I'll go."

Mike: "No, we need you to keep everyone safe. If things get ugly you're the only one who can act as a security escort to try and escape."

Y/n: "Fine careful man."

Mike: "Always."

We hugged eachother and he left for the Sanitarium. The rest of us tried to calm down from this night of terror. Sam came up to me and hugged me, pulling me in close despite the flame thrower attached to my back. However she called away by Ashley;

Ashley: "Uh Sam, you'll wanna see this..."

Sam: "What is it?"

  Ashley had a book that the Stranger had written which contained various details about the Wendigo.

Ashley: "Look." she handed the book over to Sam.

Sam: "Shit...we gotta go get!"

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