Chapter 8: Repentance

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Y/n pov

6:00 a.m

The three of us were walking through the mines, following the stench of blood and rot.

Y/n: "So I'm guessing the explosion was your doing?"

Mike: "Yeah, the old man had a bunch of Wendigos chained up in the Sanitarium. Some of them broke free and I had to run, luckily some explosive barrels were there to help me. I hope the wolf is alright though."

Sam: "Wolf? Mike what wolf?"

Mike: "The old guy had some wolves he was using to guard the place, one of them tagged along. Last time I saw him he was leaving the Sanitarium."

Y/n: "Sounds like you made a new friend."

Mike: "I mean...kinda." he chuckled.

We eventually came to an open cave with a large pool of water and some sort of water wheel. We tried to go around the water, but we ended up running into something disturbing. It was a grave, but the body had been dug up. Sam went closer to investigate and took something that was laying on a nearby stone.

Sam: "Oh my god...this's Beth's!"

Mike: "What?" he said in disbelief

Sam: "Look! It says her name right here."

  Mike and I got closer to examine the watch, and her name was indeed on it.

Y/n: "Oh don' don't think that maybe Hannah dug her up?"

Mike: "Why would she do that? I mean she was the one that buried her right?"

  The three of us thought about it for a bit. Sam and Mike were stumped, but it didn't take long for me to connect the dots.

Y/n: "Oh god...think about it... Beth died from the fall but Hannah survived. She buried Beth and...well the mines aren't exactly full of if she...dug her up to..."

I couldn't finish my sentence, saying the words out loud would make it even more disgusting and horrible. Sam and Mike had terrified and saddened looks on their faces. We were completely silent as we were forced to double back and go into the water. I had to strap the gun on back as we waded through the water. The cold water was up to our waist as we came to a small nook in the cave. There was a small journal, detailing a portion of Hannah's time down in the mines, and how she "had no other choice" and how "the hunger was too great".

Sam: "Oh my god, Y/n I'm so sorry I-"

Y/n: "It's fine let's just...get Josh and get out of here."

  I had to keep my emotions in check, I couldn't risk breaking down and getting killed by a Wendigo.

  We went back into the water and eventually got to a large metal door. This had to be It's lair.

Mike: "I'll open it, you two stand back, Y/n, have that flame thrower ready."

Y/n: "You got it."

Mike swung the door open and a large amount of water came spilling out, along with the heads of multiple Wendigo.

Mike: "Jesus!"

Sam: "Aaagh! What the fuck!"

Y/n: "Fucking hell...guess these things are pretty territorial."

  I went in first and had my flamethrower at the ready. Multiple headless Wendigo corpses were hanging from the ceiling by hooks. The rotting smell hit it's peak.

Sam: "Ugh, I think I'm gonna be sick."

Y/n: "Come on babe we gotta keep it together. Can't let our guard down."

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