Chapter 3: Darkness

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Y/n pov

Washington Lodge
10:00 p.m

  Once me, Sam and Chris got to the lodge we were greeted by Josh, Ashley and Matt. Matt seemed pissed which made the greeting a bit awkward. Chris and Josh went to find a way inside the lodge since the doors were locked, meanwhile the rest of us had to wait out in the cold for their return. I decided to sit on a nearby log for the meantime, but I noticed that Sam was shivering.

Y/n: "Cold much?"

Sam: "Y-yeah....a skirt wasn't t-the best thing to wear..."

Y/n: "You want my jacket?"

Sam: "No thanks, I d-don't want you to g-get cold t-too."

Y/n: "Fine about" I said nervously

Sam: "T-hat sounds nice."

  Sam sat down next to me and rested her head in my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around her to keep her warm. We didn't look at eachother but if we did, the blush on our faces would be quite noticable. Around 5 minutes later We heard a bang on the door from the inside. I let go of her and we made our way towards the entrance, both of us flustered. Chris opened the door to let us in but a wolverine leaped our from the doorway and into the forest which freaked Chris out.

Chris: "Jesus, fucking bear or a tiger or something."

Y/n: "I don't think tigers live in lodges dude."

Chris: "Yeah yeah ok." he said still slightly scared.

  We all made our way inside and met up in the living room. Mike and Jess arrived shortly after us but when they got there Mike ran right at me and gave me a hug.

Mike: "Dude I've missed you!"

Y/n: "Mike I saw you like last week."

Mike: "I know but still."

  After our one week reunion Matt went to confront Mike. Though it was a misunderstanding. He thought he saw Mike and Em getting pretty "friendly". In actuality they were just greeting eachother. But, that was the calm before the storm as Emily arrived and immediately started a fight with Jess. Matt tried to defuse the situation but it didn't help. Though it was amusing for me I could tell they were just shitting on everyone's fun. So I decided to put an end to it.

Y/n : "Oh would you two shut the fuck up! Seriously. You guys just saw eachother right now and you're already bitching at eachother."

Em: "But she-"

Y/n: "Emily, I swear to god. If all you're gonna do is slut shame then take a good look in the mirror and fuck off!" I screamed.

  The room went silent as I let out my pent up rage that I had for Emily for the past year.

Y/n "I'm sorry, I...I didn't mean that. Look let's just....forget about this..."

Em: "Y-yeah....I'm...I'm sorry too."

After our argument, Mike and Jess went to go check out the guest cabin while Matt and Em went to get their missing bag. Sam went to go upstairs to go take a bath and I went up to dump my bag in my room. Once I dropped everything off I went to check out what used to be Beth's room. Most of her stuff was in boxes, which was probably for the better, because seeing anything that was important to her would just eat away at me even more. I then heard Sam call out my name.

Sam: "Hey y/n!"

Y/n: "Yeah!?"

Sam: "Can you come help me bring the hot water back on!?"

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