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Jake has been studying law in order to become a prosecutor in the near future, he didn't think that becoming a full time singer would be the best option, so he made singing just a simple hobby.

Jake was on his desk full of papers, books, and junk when he got a text,
It was Milly

Hey Jake- M

Jake wasn't expecting a text since it was nearly midnight.

yea?- J

Since we haven't seen eachother in awhile, Luke and I thought it would be nice to go to Hawaii for a vacation.
Wanna come?- M

Jake was pretty stressed from all the school work he got. Maybe this would be a perfect vacation for him.

Sure, I can hit the beach and take a vacation- J

Great I'll send the details!- M

Jake thought about it for a bit, he wasn't sure if this was a good idea.
In one hand he wanted a break, in the other he might have forgotten to do a project and have to go back a year!

The Next Day (Zander's POV)

Zander woke up much earlier than his roommate and decided to check if Luke was awake.

Luke you awake? -Z

Hey Zander -L

After chatting for a bit...

Hey we're going to Hawaii wanna come with? -L

Hawaii? -Z

I don't know... It's pretty far -Z

Come on it'll be fun! -L

I'll think about it -Z

Can you tell Hailey about it too? -L

Sure -Z

Back to Jake

Jake decided he wanted to come join, but first he wanted to check if he'd done all the assigned work he got.
He was really stressed and wanted a break with some old friends.

Time skip

Jake booked a flight to Hawaii, and arrived to the airport, to see Zander, Luke, Milly, Sean, and... "H- Hailey!?" he muttered out

(Sorry if this chapter was short I've never wrote a story before so... That's all for this chapter)

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