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Jake stared in disbelief, how can she be Haily!? Jake thought. "Hello?" Zander said clearly annoyed. "H- hey"
Jake stuttered while scratching the back of his neck.

"Nice to see you again princess" Jake said to Hailey with a wink, Hailey blushed a bit and rolled her eyes, While Sean and Milly made a plan.

As they were preparing to go to the resort, Luke took Hailey's bag and brought it to the trunk of their taxi.
They got two taxis since they had a lot of luggage.

Jake and Hailey went in the second taxi, and they drove off first. Milly and the rest of them got to the resort first since Milly paid the driver to pretend to get lost in order for their plan to work.

Milly and Sean told Zander and Luke Their plan of making Jake and Hailey stay in the same room. Zander was strongly against it.

"What!?" Zander screamed "Relax Zander" Luke said with a calm tone
"It's only so they can get closer, right guys?" Luke said

With Jake and Hailey

Hailey was starting to feel tired when they were in the taxi for atleast thirty minutes, her eyes started to flutter and Jake just looked at the window when he felt a head hit his lap, it was Hailey.

"she's beautiful" Jake thought as she brushed her hair with his fingers.

They finally arrived at the resort after an hour drive, not wanting to wake Hailey up Jake picked her up bridal style, once he got into the room he was welcomed by stares by Sean and the others Zander's was a death glare.

Jake set her down on the couch, and sat down "What the hell!" Zander whispered not wanting to wake her step sister "What she fell asleep" Jake shrugged "So Jake you'll be sharing rooms with Hailey" Sean said avoiding Zander's stares of death, "Why does it have to be me and Hailey?" Jake asked as Hailey moved her legs to Jake's lap Jake started blushing "That's it!" Zander spoke out
He carried her to her shared room with Jake and proceeded to stare at Jake again.

Hailey woke up at around six p.m she looked to her right to see Jake sitting on the couch next to the bed "What are you doing in my room?" Haily said "I'ts our room actually" "What?!" Hailey said with a horrid look, they heard a knock "come in" Hailey said

"Oh Hailey your awake" Luke entered the room "We're going to the beach, you guys wanna come?" "Yeah"
Hailey and Jake said.

Taken by a Wave ( Jailey )Where stories live. Discover now