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*Hemophobia warning*

Once the boys got back to the room Jake went to the beach to calm down, Zander and Luke went to watch a movie in the living room, and Sean and Elliot went into the kitchen to chat a bit.

Elliot looked around the kitchen to see no glass at all "do you guys not own any glass plates?" Elliot asked "Zander banned glass after Hailey hit Jake with a glass cup" Sean replied "why would sh-" "she thought he was a murderer" Zander replied "so how long are you staying?" Zander asked Elliot "probably a week, my friend is having a wedding in a week of today".

"I'm gonna hit the beach" Zander said "aren't you gonna finish your movie?" Elliot questioned "I don't do horror" Zander replied from the door "but it's a spider documentary" Sean said "same thing" Zander replied.

Hailey was getting ready to go the beach when Jake entered "Hailey? I'm sorry about the flirting, I shouldn't have acted the way I did" Jake said "It's fine" Hailey replied, Jake was stunned that Hailey forgave him so easily but was glad "Jake can you help me?" Hailey asked "with what?" Jake replied "pull my zipper" Hailey added.

Jake pulled her zipper and went to the beach. Hailey sat down on a towel and watched the others swimming. "Hailey come swim with us" Milly yelled "no tha-" Hailey couldn't finish when a Luke dragged her to water "Hey!" she laughed as the others splashed her with water.

Before they realized the waves started to get larger as the sun started to set. It was five p.m now and the group was out of the water except for Hailey who wanted to admire the moonlight.

Hailey was so focused on the moon she didn't notice a huge wave coming towards her. Before she could react the wave dragged her down hitting her head on a rock under water causing her to pass out.

Jake started to feel nauseous when Hailey didn't come to the table, so he went to beach to see Hailey being dragged around by waves. "Zander!" Jake screamed catching the attention of everyone "what?" Zander said annoyed Jake pointed to his sister.

Zander immediately dropped everything. before anyone can react Jake swam the cold and dangerous water. Once he got near to Hailey he held her as a even bigger wave came, Jake put his and Hailey's bodies under water to avoid the wave's impact.

"I'll help him" Elliot said as he dove to help Jake. Jake was a little far from shore but near enough for Elliot to swim and help. Jake was already out of breath from swimming and avoiding the rocks, though he still got some scratches. Jake held Hailey as they got back shore and Elliot was there to make sure there wouldn't be a huge wave coming.

As they got back to shore Zander was crying "who knows CPR?" Milly questioned "I do" replied Sean. Sean did the CPR procedure on Hailey as Jake went back to get a first aid kit.

Once Jake got the first aid kit Hailey started coughing, Everyone sighed in relief. Zander was the only one who knew how to properly use a first aid kit since he was studying to be a nurce.

Zander treated Hailey first but when Zander looked over at Jake he was a bleeding mess "Are you alright Jake?" Sean asked "I'm fine, just a little uncomfortable" he replied "let's take Hailey back" he added they went back to their rooms and calmed down a bit.

"Can't we have a day with out accidents" Milly sighed "maybe the universe is trying to tell us something" Jake replied "go take a shower so I can treat your wounds" Zander said "Okay" Jake replied "Milly go change Hailey" Luke said, Milly groaned.

"this is a great vacation" Jake mumbled to himself clearly being sarcastic.

"I'm done" Jake said as he walked over to Zander "thanks for saving my sister" Zander thanked "no problem, but it was a team effort" Jake replied "how did Milly help?" Sean replied "she's the one who changes Hailey's clothes" Jake said everyone agreed that it was a team effort.

"Sean?" Jake called "Yeah?" Sean replied "what happened to you and Daisy?" Jake added "we're still dating" Sean said cheerfully "but why didn't you ask Daisy out?" Sean added "I realized that I liked Hailey more than Daisy" Jake replied "how long have you had feeling for Hailey?" Zander questioned "since the music competition".

"that was nine years ago" Elliot commented "well then I had a crush on her for nine years" Jake replied.

Taken by a Wave ( Jailey )Where stories live. Discover now