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"Why do you think you're not good enough!" Jake screamed "because I'm not" Hailey screamed back "I'm not good enough" Hailey added "Hailey you're beautiful, talented, kind, smart I'm nothing compared to you" Jake explained "Yeah but I have nothing special" screamed "you can find so many other girls like me" Hailey added "if I didn't like you I wouldn't have been single all these years" Jake exclaimed "so go for one of them! I'm nothing special" Hailey screamed.

While they were arguing the group was eavesdropping from the door "should we stop them" Milly questioned "let them be" Zander replied "how long do you think they'll argue for?" Sean commented "who knows" Elliot replied.

One hour later

"it's been an hour and they're still arguing" Zander complained "Zander, has your sister been asked out on?" Luke questioned "dozens of boys" Zander replied "why didn't she date any of them?" Milly commented "she liked someone else" Zander replied "who was it?" Elliot questioned "Jake" Zander said. "let's just sleep" Elliot said and everyone nodded.

In the Morning

Hailey woke up in Jake's arms "Am I really special?" Hailey whispered, Hailey got up and wore the promise ring that Jake gave her and left the room to see the group where they always are. Milly didn't even notice Hailey leave the room and sat on the couch "shush" Milly shushed Elliot when she noticed Hailey wore Jake's promise ring "Sean I won the bet! Give me my fifty bucks!" Milly screamed "What!" Sean yelled in a shock, Milly then held Hailey's hand up to see the promise ring Jake gave her.

Sean groaned as he counted his money and gave it to Milly "thank you for your services" Milly mocked "so how did you and Jake make up" Sean asked "we just made up I guess" Haiely replied "well that's specific" Milly rolled her eyes.

"Hailey do you know where the promise ring is?" Jake asked "here" Hailey said while holding her hand out.

"Y-you accept!? Jake gleefully asked "maybe" Hailey said playfully Hailey and Jake were about to kiss when Zander interrupted "don't make me regret my decision" Zander said annoyed "I won't sir!" Jake jokingly saluted him "I'm just gonna get water" Hailey said while Jake flopped on the couch "I feel faint" Jake mumbled "you'll be fine lover boy" Milly replied.

With Hailey (8 p.m)

"Is this the right decision" Hailey asked Luke "well what does your heart tell you?" Luke replied "it wants to be with Jake" Hailey mumbled "then you're doing the right thing" Luke replied "it doesn't feel like it" Hailey said as she ate an apple from the counter "wait Hailey that's-" Hailey bit into a styrofoam apple "...for decotation" Luke finished "gross" Hailey said.

With Jake and Elliot (9 p.m)

"What should I do for a date" Jake asked Elliot "you should pick somewhere that you two have history in as your first date" Elliot suggested "where did you go?" Jake asked "me and Milly's first date was at the park" Elliot replied "why the park?" "that's where we first met, I was tending to a rose bush when Milly fell on the rose bush" Elliot explained "where we have history?".

"have you ever went here with Hailey before?" Elliot questioned "Yeah two years ago" Jake replied "so did anything happen there?" Jake was trying to remember anything that happened to him and Hailey when he got a memory "I know the perfect place!" Jake shrieked out of joy "that's great bud, now I'm going to bed" Elliot said, Jake looked at the time and it was nearly twelve.

Two years Ago

"wanna play spin the bottle" Milly asked "sure" Jake replied "sounds fun, I'm in" Hailey replied "sure" Zander replied "Alright" Sean replied and Luke nodded ......... "Hailey your turn" Milly said as Hailey spun the bottle it nearly landed on Milly but landed on Jake who was right next to him.

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