First Date (final)

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"yeah?" Hailey groaned
"would you like to go on a date?"

"a date?" Hailey mumbled

Hailey shivered at the thought of going on a date.

"s-sure" Hailey said with a fake smile.
"Great!" Jake cheered. "We'll leave at six p.m" Jake added.

Hailey looked up at the digital clock on the nightstand 'it's four p.m' Hailey thought.

Jake left the room leaving Hailey alone with her thoughts.

What do I do, What do I wear, what if I act stupid, where are we going. Questions filled Hailey head.

"we're dating and I still feel uneasy with him" Hailey groaned.

"Hey" Milly said as she walked into the room"

"Hey" Hailey said with a frown " are you nervous?" Milly questioned "yeah" Hailey sighed.

"I'll help you" Milly said cheerfully "what are you planning to wear?" Hailey pointed at a black colored off shoulder crop top with ruffles and a denim skirt.

"Hailey that's perfect!" Milly cheered

"you think he'll like it?"

"He'll love it" Milly replied

When five p.m came around Hailey wore her outfit and curled her hair.

Hailey got out of the room, Jake was in the living room with Zander fixing his hair.

Hailey walked into the room and everyone turned their heads to see Hailey except Jake who didn't notice until he noticed everyone turning their heads. Jake wore a black long sleeve polo over a cutaway shiry.

"Hailey!?" Jake's neck nearly snapped from how fast he turned "Y-y-y...".

Hailey got nervous when Jake didn't say anything 'oh no! Is this too much' Hailey thought.

"Jake" Milly snapped her finger in front of his face snapping him out of his daydream.

"I- you- You look great" Jake scratched the back of his neck.

Hailey sighed in relief, 'thank god he likes it'.

"See ya love birds" Milly said as she pushed the two out of the room. Zander hissed at the thought of Jake and Hailey being alone together "I regret my decisions" Zander hissed "well it's too late now" Sean said.

With Jake and Hailey

"So what did you plan us doing?" Hailey questioned "I thought we could go to the fountain, eat dinner, and sit by the shore, I hope that's okay with you?" Jake said.

"It sounds great Jake!" Hailey cheered "I hope you'll like it" Jake whispered.

While they walked to the fountain the two chatted a bit.

"so why did you want us to go to the fountain?" Hailey asked curiously "just you wait" Jake said with a smirk.

"stay here I have to do something" Jake said leaving Hailey by the fountain.

The wind was whistling and it was already five minutes since Jake left and Hailey was starting to feel a sense of danger she wasn't sure if it was just because it was that she was scared or there really was someone trying to kidnap her.

Hailey heard footsteps come towards her. Hailey began to shiver from the cold and the footsteps came closer. When the footsteps stopped Hailey felt heavy breating behind. Hailey's instinct caused her to try to punch the man but her fist was caught and she was spun around by....

"Jake!" Hailey screamed "did I scare you" Jake chuckled before Hailey kicked him making him fall to the ground.

"it this why you wanted to come here?" Hailey said annoyed "no" Jake smirked as the lanterns around the fountain lit up.

"wow" Hailey said amazed "you really thought things through" Hailey added "I'll do anything for my princess" Jake chuckled "so..uhm can you help me up" Jake said still on the ground.

"oh yeah! Sorry about that" Hailey said as she helped Jake up.

"that's alright princess" Jake cheerfully said. Hailey rolled her eyes playfully.

"come on, let's eat!" Jake said

"where are we eating?"

"It's a surprise"

When they finally arrived Hailey felt like they've been there before.

"this place seems familiar" Hailey mumbled quietly "we had our first kiss here" Jake replied.

"our first kiss!?" Hailey's eyes widened but then the flashback hit her "oh yeah...".

"what do you want to eat?" Jake asked the mesmerized girl "I- I'll take the Italian pasta" Hailey requested "I'll take one as well" Jake said.

After they had dinner they walked to the resort to sit by the shore.

"Hailey?" Jake whispered

"yeah?" Hailey looked at her boyfriend

"what do you think out future would look like?" he said under his voice.

"I never thought about it... As long as I'm with you I'm happy" she said cheerfully

Hailey leaned on Jake shoulder and sighed in relief that they were an official couple.

"can you look at me" Jake requested

"ye-" Jake kissed her lips softly before she could finish "I love you" Jake whispered "I love you too" Hailey said and leaned back on his shoulder.

Taken by a Wave ( Jailey )Where stories live. Discover now