You Owe Me

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Jake groaned as he woke up "how long was I out for?" he asked Hailey who was shocked he was awake "two hours" Hailey said while faking a smile "you really shouldn't hit your prince charming" Hailey threw a pillow at him "How's that for throwing things at my prince charming!.

Jake stopped talking and just stared at Hailey 'she's beautiful' he thought. You know princess, you owe me something. Hailey looked confused "what do you mean?" She asked "You hit me with glass" He replied with a smirk "so? What do you want".

Jake walked up her to and sat down,
Planting a soft kiss on Hailey's lips.
Hailey was stunned but didn't pull away. After thirty seconds they let go. "that's enough for me princess " he smiled as he walked to the bathroom.

Hailey couldn't tell if this was dream "I kissed him..." she muttered. She left the room to go to the living room to see Milly texting someone "I kissed Jake" she whispered "You what!?" she screamed "he said that I owe him something and he walked towards me and I-" Milly stopped her before she could continue "did you pull away?"
at this point Hailey was a blushing mess.

"no" she replied "so how long was the kiss" Milly questioned "how would I know!" she yelled covering her face.
"so you guys aren't dating?" "no" she replied "it was just a simple kiss" Hailey said "yeah sure, a simple kiss" Milly mocked.

"I bet you were texting Elliot" Milly's face turned red "fine. I'll shut up".

Luke and Zander were at the kitchen getting breakfast ready when Jake walked in with a bandage on his cheek "Jake grab me the pepper" Zander said. "here" he replied holding out a pepper shaker. Jake prepared the table while Luke and Zander cleaned up.

"princess, it's time for breakfast" he said with a wink she groaned and walked over "not dating?" Milly said.

"Are you really gonna call Hailey princess?"  Zander asked "probably" Jake replied looking at Hailey. He finished his food and kissed Hailey's cheek "I hate you" she mumbled "I love you too princess" Zander grabbed a butter knife next to him "Don't touch my sister!" he yelled throwing it at his chest "that was not a very effective pokemon" he took off his shirt revealing his muscular body.

Hailey got a nosebleed "guys I think Hailey's gonna pass out" Sean said taking all the attention to Hailey. Hailey did end up passing out "I thought that only happened in movies" Milly mumbled "apparently not" Jake said as he put his shirt back on. "I'll carry her" Jake said as he carried her bridal style.

Hailey was still in her pajamas from last night, but Jake didn't want to be disrespectful "Milly come change Hailey" He yelled from the door "do it yourself" she replied "no! that's being disrespectful!" Milly groaned "fine".

Time Skip~

Hailey woke up to see Jake and Milly playing Uno. "Uno!" Milly yelled "quiet your gonna wake Hailey up" he said and turned to Hailey to see her glaring at him "oh hey Hailey" he nervously chuckled "sorry about that".

"you guys really can't play Uno outside of this room?" Hailey asked with a annoyed expretion "your room has  an air conditioner" Milly replied.

Hailey looked down to see her wearing different clothes "who the hell changed me!?" She screamed "relax, I changed you" Milly said.

"how long was I out?" Hailey questioned "maybe thirty minutes" Jake replied "our trip consists of two people passing out because of eachother" Milly said.

"So Jake?" Milly said with a smirk "yeah?" Jake questioned "I heard you kissed a certain someone in this house?" She added Hailey was bright red "yeah I kissed Hailey" he said clamly, Hailey and Milly looked stunned that he just put it out there.

"you're really just gonna put it out there?" Milly said "she's my princess" Jake said while winking at Hailey "Hailey are you sure you two aren't going out?" she questioned the girl who was bright red "No!"H "Yes"J Hailey and Jake replied.

"Okay then" Milly mumbled.

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