Promise Ring

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"Hailey" Jake said "yeah" Hailey replied "what would you do if I asked to out?" He mumbled, Hailey was not ready to answer that question "I would-" Hailey didn't finish when Milly barged in "we're going to the mall" she screamed "can't you knock?" Hailey complained "okay bye" Milly replied.

"s-so?" Jake flustered "I don't know" Hailey replied, Jake frowned at her reply "come on, we don't want the group to leave us" Hailey said cheerfully "fine" Jake replied.

"so why are we here?" Sean questioned "there's nothing to do at the resort" Zander replied "we've went to a mall dozens of times" Elliot commented "this mall has a ice skating rink" Jake replied "wow that makes all the difference" Milly replied "I'll meet you guys at the rink I'm gonna get a snack" Milly added.

"I'll stay with Milly" Jake said "why?" Milly questioned, Jake hit Milly's stomach with his Elbow causing her to cough "that's not very reassuring but okay" Sean said. The group left to go to the rink while Milly and Jake stayed at the food court.

"so what do you want?" Milly questioned "I-I-"  Jake flustered "you?" "I wanna make things official with Hailey" Jake replied "why do need my help for that?" Milly questioned "because your the only girl that doesn't flirt with me that is my friend" Jake replied "why don't you buy her a promise ring? Milly suggested "I'll help you find one" she added "Yes!" Jake yelled.

"do you think Hailey will like this?" Jake asked holding out a ring with a teal colored gemstone "that one's perfect for Hailey" Milly exclaimed "she'll love it" Milly added "I hope so" Jake whispered.

After they payed they went to the ice skating rink "where are they?" Jake questioned "well Sean's over there" she pointed to Sean who was sitting by the benches, they walked over to him "why aren't you with them?" Milly questioned "I'll go later, here are your ice skates" Sean handed over their skates and the two thanked him.

"so when are you gonna tell her?" Milly whispered "when the time is right" Jake whispered back "so you're just gonna bring a ring around all the time?"  "what if you lose it" Milly added "quite they're coming" Jake shushed her "hey Jake how was your shopping spree?" Zander mocked "great actually" Jake replied "I got some great stuff" Jake added.

"so what did you buy?" Zander whispered "a ring" Jake replied "don't you think it's a little early for marriage?" Zander whispered back "It's a promise ring" he whispered in an annoyed tone "you'll be dead if you hurt her" Zander whispered with a chilling voice "I won't hurt her, I promise" Jake replied "don't think you can marry her yet, you'll need to finish a two hundred question test" Zander exclaimed "but that's more questions than my finals" Jake said "well then don't marry her" Zander replied "I'll marry her" Jake smirked.

"Jake! watch out!" Hailey yelled falling on top of Jake "sorry Jake" Hailey apologized "Get off my sister right now!" Zander screamed catching the people's attention "relax Zander, I'm on Jake" Hailey exclaimed "it's alright Hailey" Jake replied "let's go Zander" Luke said, Jake got up first and helped Hailey up but Hailey slipped again forcing Jake on top of Hailey "I-I-" Jake flustered "GET OFF" Zander screamed even louder the two quickly got up and Zander glared at Jake "Zander calm down" Hailey said trying to stop his screaming.

"Jake are you okay?" Hailey asked with a worried tone "I'm fine princess" after Jake called her princess Hailey skated away "I am not your princess" Hailey screamed while skating away "not yet atleast" Jake whispered "I hope she'll like it" Jake sighed.

When the group finally returned to their rooms it was around ten p.m and everyone was utterly tired "you can shower first" Jake yawned "thanks" Hailey said and walked into the bathroom, Jake groaned from the day they had, they pretty much spent the whole day in the mall.

Once Hailey finished Jake went into the bathroom to shower, as Hailey was about to sleep she saw a ring on the bed "what's this?" she asked herself 'I promise to be your prince if you'll be my princess' was ingrained on the ring 'princess?' she thought in disbelief "am I his princess" she said to herself.

When Jake came out of the bathroom he saw Hailey sitting on the bed holding her ring "H-Hailey" he flustered "who's your princess?" Hailey smirked trying to hide her worry that it wasn't her "I- It's-" he flustered "It's?" Hailey replied "It's you Hailey, I wanted to give it to y-" Jake couldn't finish when Hailey spoke "you deserve someone better" Hailey said with tears in her eyes.

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