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Hailey woke up to find her on the bed while Jake slept on the couch beside her. She got up to get water, it was probably four in the morning. She tip toed to the kitchen so she wouldn't wake anyone up.

As Hailey grabbed a glass she heard a door open, she got scared as she saw a black figure walking towards her, Hailey started trembling when the figure said her name "Hailey?" the figure said with a tired and confused tone.

"Stay away from me!" she screamed "Hailey It-" Hailey didn't let him finish when she threw the glass cup at the figure. Hailey turned on a light to see Jake passed out on the floor "oh sh-" Hailey paused "Is he dead!?" Hailey checked his pulse Hailey sighed as he still had a pulse.

Milly groaned as she went into the kitchen to scream at the person who woke her up. Her eyes were half asleep when she saw Jake passed out on the floor with a bleeding face "what the hell happened" she said with a surprisingly calm tone "I thought he was a murderer!" Hailey yelled.

Luke and Zander went into the room to see Hailey about to cry, Milly staring at wall, and Jake on the floor. "what the heck?" Zander said "Is he dead" Luke whispered at Milly "he's fine" Milly briefly replied "atleast I think so?" Milly added, Zander left the room to find a first aid kit.

Sean came out of his room which was right next to the kitchen Sean nearly stepped on glass but Milly was able to stop him "what happened here?" he questioned "I hit him with a glass" Sean's face looked confused "why would you- you know what forget I asked" Sean took the broom from next to the fridge and started cleaning the shattered glass.

Zander came back into the room and bandaged Jake up "he'll be fine, and Hailey you'll be using plastic cups from now on" he said "shouldn't we take him to a hospital?" Milly asked "he's fine, he still has a pulse" Zander replied. Luke carried Jake to his room and placed him on the couch "goodnight Hailey" he said as he left the room.

Hailey groaned "So it was me who got you hurt and not Milly" she mumbled turning around to grab her phone. She pretty much just scrolled through instagram until it was six in the morning.

She got up from the bed to wash her face and go to the beach. It was still pretty dark but there was a bit of light, as she walked along the shore she saw the lights being turned on "every six a.m they turn the lights on because it's a great photo opportunity" she was talking to herself.

As she walked around the shore she saw a couple having a picnic when she got a daydream of her and Jake going on a date , they talked, they held hands, they laughed, and they kissed... Hailey snapped out of the daydream and started blushing at the thought of her and Jake kissing.

It was nearly seven so she got herself together and walked back to their room. She walked in to see Zander and Luke kissing, Hailey gagged "Get a room!" Hailey yelled. Zander looked mad and Luke looked embarrassed "can't you knock!?" why would I knock to go into the living room!" she complained Zander and Hailey were arguing as Jake stumbled around trying to walk.

"hello?" Jake said Jake fell and passed out again Zander and Hailey groaned.

Taken by a Wave ( Jailey )Where stories live. Discover now