Fun in the Sun

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Hailey was getting ready in the bathroom while Jake patiently waited.

When Hailey walked out of the bathroom Jake was automatically love struck, Hailey wore a beautiful white off shoulder dress with a black sun hat and black sandals and her teal colored hair in a half up half down hairstyle.

"y-y- You l- look beautiful Hailey" Jake flustered trying to hide his bright red face "thanks Jake" Hailey said "come on" Hailey grabbed Jake's hand and dragged him to the beach.

"Took you guys long enough" Milly yelled "Jake catch!" Milly throws the volley ball to Jake and Jake dodges the  ball "You are not fun" Jake said
"whenever I get hurt on this trip it's gonna be your fault" Jake added.

Hailey sat on a towel next to her brother "don't fall asleep with Jake ever again!" Zander yelled at his sister
"what?" Hailey questioned clearly confused "You fell asleep on me princess" Jake said with a wink Hailey blushed bright red "what do you mean fell asleep on you?" Hailey questioned "your head on my lap as we drove to the resort" And it hit Hailey, she didn't remember her leaving the car, so that meant Jake had carried her to the room.

Hailey hit Jake's head "You could've woke me up" she yelled "you were sleeping so peacefully princess" the others just watched as Jake flirted on Hailey "don't you think It's odd that Jake only flirts with Hailey?" Milly whispered to Sean "Maybe he likes her?" Milly had a wide grin on her face "wanna bet something?" Sean looked confused "If Hailey and Jake end up together after this trip you owe me fifty bucks" Milly added "deal" Sean replied.

"What should we have for dinner?" Luke asked, Hailey was still bright red from Zander telling her what she did
"I'll be fine with whatever" Hailey replied.

They had pasta and as Jake finished he went into their shared room and took a shower, Hailey went into the room to see Jake shirtless on the couch "Jake what the hell!" she screamed "what you've never seen a man shirtless?" "I have but..." Hailey stared at Jake's body "earth to Hailey".

Hailey snapped out of it "wear a shirt please" Hailey looked dizzy "well since you asked so nicely" Jake wore a Lime green tank top "is this better princess?" Jake asked "Don't call me princess!" She replied "and yes it is better" She added.

Jake was getting ready to sleep when she saw Hailey sleeping on a sleeping bag on the floor. There was only one bed and one couch it would be unfair for someone to get the bed, but even so Jake lifted Hailey up and set her on the bed.

Taken by a Wave ( Jailey )Where stories live. Discover now