A Promise

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"chess is boring" Jake groaned "you're just saying that because you keep losing" Zander replied "checkmate" Zander said "fine you win, I'm getting food" Jake said as he walked to a cabinet full of snacks.

"what else can we do?" Sean questioned "we did everything we can do" Luke replied "what about the mall?" Sean said "we can't just leeave Hailey" Milly commented "good point" Sean replied.

"Wanna bake macaroons?" Elliot questioned the group "you know how to bake macaroons?" Jake asked "no, but we can get a recipe" Elliot said "we don't even have the ingredients" Zander commented "we can probably buy some, there's a grocery store across the park" Milly said "what about supplies?" Sean questioned "there's probably supplies there too" Jake replied.

"Alright then, Eveything settled were baking macaroons" Elliot said "I'll find a recipe, and text it to you" Zander said "alright me and Jake will get going" Milly said.

When they got everything they headed back to their room. They decided to make chocolate macaroons, "alright let's make sure we don't burn this resort" Milly joked "Sean, Zander, and Luke will make the filling and the rest of us will make the cookie.

"sifting and sifting and sifting and sifting" Sean said repeatedly "I don't like sifting" Sean added "we can tell" Zander replied.

When they finally got the cookie ready they baked it in the oven.
"how long is it gonna take until we can eat it" Milly asked "thirty five minutes including resting time" Jake replied

Thirty five minutes later

"Yay macaroons" Milly gleefully said "I'm gonna check on Hailey" Jake said to the group.

Jake walked into the room to see Hailey peacefully sleeping as he about to leave the room he heard Hailey say something "p-please d-don't leave..." Hailey flustered Jake closed the door and sat next Hailey "I won't leave you" Jake whispered to her ear "you promise?" "I promise" Jake replied. As Jake got up Hailey pulled him in forcing them to cuddle.

"Hailey...?" he whispered. With no reply and not wanting to wake her up he just laid there, Hailey slowly put her head on Jake's chest. It didn't take long when Jake fell asleep holding his princess.

When morning came Hailey woke up in Jake's arms "Jake?" Hailey groaned "yes?" Jake mumbled forgetting he was next to Hailey "what happened?" Hailey mumbled Jake slowly opened his eyes "Hailey I'm so sorry" he got up but was pulled back "don't go" Hailey said with pleading eyes "what?" Jake asked confused "I want you to stay" Hailey mumbled.

"I'll stay" Jake whipered.

Ten a.m came along and the group started to wonder what the two love birds were doing "Zander go check on them" Milly said "alright" Zander groaned.

Zander walked into the room to see Hailey and Jake cuddling "wake up you two" Zander said "five more minuetes" Hailey proclaimed "do you know you and Jake are cuddling" Zander said annoyed "yes" she mumbled "well breakfast is at the kitchen" Zander said.

Jake groaned and got up "Hailey you should wake up" Jake mumble "no!" Hailey proclaimed Jake got tired of her rambling and decided to carry her, Hailey groaned as they got to the kitchen. While Hailey and Jake ate Hailey kept blushing when Jake smiled at her.

(sorry if this is short, I'm being lazy)

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