Chapter One

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James's Pov
I could still hear the angry sound of my mother's voice. The way she yelled at me and demanded me not to even think about flying out to a place I had only remember as a child.

I could understand where her anger came from, but I was nineteen and I was a child like I use to. I wanted an understanding of where my father and my other half brothers lived.

My mother told me many many deep stories about how my father was one of the most powerful of his race.

But that he only used my mom and a few other women as test subjects trying to breed new races of vampires and would do anything in his power to have that happen.

I hummed quietly my eyes still shut tightly while tapping my finger lightly at my chin.

In all my mom hated that man with everything in her body and she took me away when I was a child making me feel even more like an outcast then we already were as supernatural beings.

I slightly smirked messing with my fangs lightly now tapping my finger at them.

"Sir we have arrived at Sakamaki Mansion." I slowly fluttered my eyes dark blue eyes open, unfolding my leg from over the other looking at my simple outside, button-up up shirt with some pants and some shoes.

"Thank you," I told the driver handing him some money I got out shutting the door deeply scanning my eyes around the large mansion a small flash from my childhood making me shake my head.

I made my way up the large stairs and knocked a few times in the large door licking at my inner cheek.

It didn't take more than a small moment before the large doors where opening and I was staring a guy with almost dirty black hair. It was exactly black or had spots of sliver with a set of deep purple eyes.

"Yes, may I help you." He questioned looking annoyed pushing the bridge of his glasses into his face.

They were a lot paler then me I thought this must be Reiji. Good thing my mom gave me all their names and descriptions.

"Yes, are you Reiji Sakamaki? Is this the Sakamaki house?" I questioned his eyes grew a little in size "Yes it is." I flashed a light smile chuckling shaking out my hair.

"I apologize where are my manners, I am James Ernest and I am your older brother, I have a different mother," I told him watching his eyes grow even wider.

"May I come in?" I asked him
."Yes yes umm, let me just go gather the others." He muttered allowing me to slip inside I did looking around the mansion I grew up in scanning my eyes all around.

I tapped my fingers at my chin a few times taking in the scents of quite a few at once. "Here wait here," Reiji told me leading me to a small living room.

I gave him a head nod sitting down on the couch letting my hand grow a small blue color making my claws come out leaning back more.

I waited a couple of minutes looking at the decor hearing a few steps of footsteps.

I flicked my eyes around to study them all. Ayato, Kanato, Laito, Shu, Subaru, I thought. I stood up standing bowing my head a little at them.

"Hello, it's nice to actually meet you all in person instead of my mom showing me pictures." I flashed a grin chuckling.

"I know you all seem to be really confused so I'll explain simply, I lived here before, before most of you were born by father actually, that's why I'm a little older than you guys my mother, her name is Aly she took me away to Egypt when I was young but she knew all your mothers for some reason," I explained watching each of their eyes shift.

"Wait I recall seeing your pictures up in the study," Ayato commented placing his hands behind his head.

"I have too father has mentioned you a few times he says you are quite remarkable that you are one of his only few creations that can walk in the sun." Reiji looked genuinely impressed by that.

"Wait you can walk in the sun," Kanato exclaimed clutching a teddy bear close looking at me excited. I let a small chuckle out.

"Yeah I can actually but that didn't happen right away that took a lot of training when I was younger, er," I explained briefly watching them look between one another.

"I didn't even know there were more of us but with what I've been learning who really knows." Laito rolled his eyes a bit.

"You are welcome to stay here if you like. I'm intrigued to learn about you actually." I flashed a smile at Reiji.

"Likewise I'll enjoy getting to know you guys as well." I finally answered watching Shu yank his headphones out staring at me curiously like Subaru doing the same thing with me.

"You have claws!"

Oh boy, this is gonna be a super long night I can feel it.

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