Chapter Three

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James's Pov
For a couple of weeks, I had found myself grown a custom to the Sakamaki household. They were truly entertaining in a way.

They each had their own personality and did things their very own way.

Reiji mainly spent time in the large vast library reading and doing experiments but he did introduce me to some new books.

Laito was always flirting with someone, but I felt there was something deeper to his ways.

Shu was a lazy music head and would sleep most days but, music truly drew him into life.

Kanato mainly was talking to his teddy and or begging me for cuddles. Touch starved was what he was.

Ayato was a little shit and seemed to have this strange anger but then at the same time would come to me for things, while Subaru was in his own world and could care less about everything and or anything.

Then the little human Yui she was a toy to them you could tell they just needed her for blood. Yet Ayato and Shu had this strange thing going on with her.

I was in the kitchen one day after I had gone out shopping because most of the food Reiji would make I didn't like. I enjoyed fruits and stuff.

I took a bite of a big red juicy apple, glancing when I heard someone whistle before I focused on the counter where Laito was sitting in some quite casual clothes, I could even fully see his deep orange hair.

"Hello there sexy.."  He purred at me. I almost choked on my Apple in amusement swallowing the sweet treat. I folded my arms over my chest.

"Good morning Laito, it's not even ten am and you already are flirting what energy you have."

I chuckled continuing to eat my Apple till it was done.  I tossed the pit away and turned back around when he was speaking again.

"I want you to fuck me on this counter we aren't full brothers so it isn't strange." I let a small chuckle out and went to stand in front of Laito.

"That is true we technically are only half brothers, but Laito look listen to me."

I sighed lifting his chin up making his own green eyes stare at me deeply.  I let my blue eyes gaze into his quite deeply trying to get a brief understanding of his situation.

Before I leaned in pressing my lips onto his giving him a short but sweet gentle kiss.

"What your mother did to you, no women should ever sexually abuse their children, and I know you were too young to understand and she made you feel special, I know you wanna just feel validated and know your worth but I'm telling you, this isn't the way."

I whispered on his lips pulling away a short gasp left him and he stared at me almost in complete horror. He was quick to hit my chest.

"No... No who the hell told you! No one was suppose to know." He growled out.  He looked actually since I met him like he was gonna break down, but I just held his hand to my chest.

"Laito no one told me I promise alright? My heart just sees things I wish it didn't even if it's dead, I'm not a normal vampire and sadly one of my gifts is being able to see the things others wish to hide." I reassured him startled by him quickly pressing his head on my chest his tears were startling warm unlike his cold body, and his body was still shaking violently.

"She loved me... That damn bitch loved me." He sobbed out but I just squeezed him tightly heaving out a sigh before I rested my head on top of his running his back up and down.

"That's not love... And I'm sorry you went through that all, but Laito you are worth a lot yeah." I told him smiling sweetly.

"And it will be okay one day," I reassured him feeling him clutch at my shirt tightly fisting at it.

"I hate you... You handsome devil reading me like it's nothing... Maybe that's what makes you so special." He sniffles out a bit trying to laugh through his tears I chuckled.

We both pulled away from the hug and he wiped at his eyes staring at me while I helped him wipe his tears.

"No I am no devil, I was created by one though." I chuckled at him ruffling up his hair I then spoke.

"Though I would love nothing more than to devour you and your brothers, I don't just fuck." I chuckled lifting his chin up.

I stared at him deeply, his green eyes growing in size a little his cheeks a deep flushed red.

"I grow a bond, I trust you, you trust me, then I take your body slowly learning about you from the inside out, that's my way learning the things that make your body crumble."

"Damn that's kinda hot..."

"Is it...? Well, I'm glad you opened up to me, now I think that human is looking for you."

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