Chapter Seven

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James's Pov
Wow... This school looks kinda dull I thought to myself walking around so confused.  It was large and there were quite a lot of students here as well. But it just seemed like a school made for goody goodies.

I ran my free hand through my hair a little recalling that chat I had on the phone with Ayato at least an hour after they all left for school today.

"I forgot my damn homework can you bring it for me babe."

I shook his voice away from my head holding the folder close. I was walking in the large halls bumping into a figure that squeaked so loudly.

I shot my hand out to yank them back up, humans are always so clumsy.

"Be careful-" My voice slowly came to a small trail off when I noticed it was Yui.

"Oh it's you the human." I chuckled quietly watching her glare at me, she yanked her wrist free gazing at me.

"Oh it's you the sinner." She sneered out, I carefully scratched at my cheeks a little.

"You mean me having sex? Oh wait you think it's a sin for men to be together." I questioned toying with her a bit.

"You better watch what you say to me little human, you know sometimes accidents happen. " I smirked a little watching how her glare then quickly turned to fear.

"They use to always pay attention to me... Then you came along." She snapped out at me.

"Okay we can have this talk some other time yeah." I told her moving around her, that was she tried to touch and push me. I sighed I was too exhausted for this.

I quickly used my speed letting one of my claws out fast gripping Yui by her neck I had her pinned to the wall letting my eyes flash red.

"Yui I've been very patient with you, but you are testing my patience, I don't wanna  to kill you, but you are pushing buttons that shouldn't be pushed." I threatened her in a warning. And she was stone silent staring at me fast.

"Now now hottie, now isn't the place to be showing off your strength." A new totally voice sounded out. I released Yui quite quickly and let my claws face waving my hand around.

I spun around looking to see a blonde hair boy staring at me. I took a whiff of his scent. He isn't human. He is a vampire but he wasn't born one, he was turned I thought.

"Who might you be?" I questioned yanking Yui up while she yelled and punched at my arms screaming at me. She hit me one last time before running off somewhere.

"Me? I should be asking you that I didn't know there was another vampire attending." He flashed me a soft grin making his way towards me. I swiftly move to have him pinned to the wall. And he stared at me shocked.

"You're a Mukami aren't you?" I muttered watching his eyes stay wide.

"I... You know of us?" He questioned softly.

"I know enough," I muttered letting my eyes relax to the normal blue color blinking.

"There's four of you if I'm correct." I let his neck go making him rub at it.

"Damn you could have at least taken me on a date first before pinning me down like that big boy." I breathed out a small chuckle.

"I'm sorry... Lately I haven't been feeling like myself." I explained to him.

"We all have days like that, so I take it you must have taken Yui's boy toys from her." I tilted my head in confusion.

"The Sakamaki brothers." He finished up chuckling casually.

"You can say that.." I trailed off watching him walk around me.

"So what's your name?" He asked me twirling his hair about on his fingers.

"I'm James Earnest, but I also go by Sakamaki, I'm the oldest." I explained I watched his eyes grow wide.

"Oh wow another one... You are quite attractive." He chuckled deeply staring at me.

"Nice to meet you James, I'm Kou Mukami." He bowed his head at me. I kept studying him.

"Me and my brothers are sort of ditching today, wanna hang out with us?" He suggested I thought it over. I've always wanted to meet others like myself. And it would be nice for a small break off putting people in a sexual frenzy.

"Sure why not." I suggested he grinned at me starting to lead the way. I followed besides him glancing at the folder labeled Ayato.

"Shit I forgot the reason I was here." I grumbled before I shook my head a little.

"Yui." I called to the blonde hair girl who snapped her head towards me looking really fearful. Yeah she better fear me. I thought. I waved the folder around.

"Go give this to Ayato." She snatched it from me, shooting me another glare.

"Why-" I didn't let her finish.

"Cause he asked me to bring it but I'm doing something now." She looked confused but she looked at Kou who had a smirk waving his fingers at her.

Yui's eyes went so fast so quickly.

"Oh they are gonna love this." She muttered quietly shaking her head walking off.

"She's a little shit." Kou muttered quietly his eyes narrowing but he then just smiled at me pulling me along with him.

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