Abusive to a werewolf 13

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Sooooooo sorry for not writing in so long. I hope yall are still going to read this book. Hope you are!!!

2 years later

Haleys p.o.v.

"DON"T DO THAT!!!" I yelled at John Luke

"What did I do??" He said looking so inoccent

"URGHHH!!" I shoved him. He shoved me back and that is how we ended up in a wrestling match.

Of course I won. So now we are just laying on the ground laughing looking at each other.

"ALPHA!!!!!" someone yelled.

"What!!" John asked(more like shouted) 

"Phone call."

John got up with a sad look on his face and said sorry to me and left while shouting that he will get me later.

So while John was gone I hung out with my new bff. Gypsy. She is sooooo cool just like her name. 

"HELLLLLOOOO!!!!" I yelled in her ear

"What the f**k? That was so not cool" She said laughing. 

"But it sooo was"


"Whatever, what do you need???"

"Welllllll, I am bored." I said

2 hours later

"Get away!!!" I shouted at Gypsy


To answer your questions we are having a nerf/water gun fight.

"hahahhahah I won!!!" I stated while dancing around like a child.



"Hailey?" asked John Luke  behind me with his head on my shoulders scaring me half to death.


"Come with me to my office please?"

"Okay" I said my byes to Gypsy and followed John to his office.

"What you need?" I asked.

"Well first I need to ask you a important question......(pauses for dromatic effect) Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked

"Yes." Is all I could get out I was in shock needless to say.

A look of relif washed over his face. Then a look of worry.

"Come sit by me?"He asked

I went to sit by him but then I got pulled onto his lap. 

"Now, why are you looking so worried?"  I asked

"Are you ready for it?"


"Youroldpackwantsustohelpthemtraintherepack" He said so fast


"Your old pack wants us to help train them." He said slower

"WHAT!!! NO I AM NOT GOING BACK THERE!!!" I shouted and got up and paced around the room.

"Calm down it will only be for 2(two) months" he said while walking over to me and holding me in his arms until I was calm

"Will you try to not kill them?" He asked

"I won't, but the training will." I said 

He laughed.

"Really please don't kill them. Okay?" He asked

"Okay" I said 

"Now, go get packing we leave in a day." He said with a smile on his face.

"Who is all going?" I asked 


Well this is going to be fun. Sarcasim.


Thank yall for sticking with this and I hope to update more but I may not be able to

What should happen now?????


Abusive to a werewolfWhere stories live. Discover now