Chapter 01

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The Good, Bad & Ugly


TRUTH BE TOLD, I wasn’t ever very keen on moving states, that too so abruptly. However, one thing led to another, and the next thing I knew, I was boarding a train with my younger brother to a place that I didn’t even know how to pronounce properly, much less recognize. 

After what went down in New York City, my hometown, I had no other choice but to leave everything behind for good. My friends, my career and my education. To be honest, the decision wasn’t even for me - it was for Wesley. As his older sister and possibly last known family left, I just couldn’t stand the conditions that he was living in prior to moving. He was 10-years old, and they all treated him as if he was some sort of animal. 

As I gazed out the train window, my brother playing around with his tiny race cars with a look akin to wonder - I found my thoughts averting to our new life ahead. Though initially concerned about what place him and I could possibly escape to at such short notice, I eventually browsed up the idea of southern Ohio - on the other side of the United States. That way, I wouldn’t have to keep in contact with anyone from my past, and I could hopefully start anew. 

The countryside, from what I’d heard, was an alien world. The citizens of this town wore suspenders and used shotguns, raised pheasants and hunted foxes. Worst of all, if you hadn’t been born into it, they’d treat you as an outsider no matter how long you’d been there. The initial delight of the clean air and unspoilt views soon stalled. The euphoria of escaping the city smog gave way to loneliness. I hadn’t even been gone a day, yet I yearned for the noise of the busy streets and missed my old life with a few friends within a three-minute walk of my cosy home.

I felt a gentle tug on my hand and looked up to see Wesley, already standing with an amused glint in his eyes.
“Faye - look, we’re here!”

As if on cue, the train engine roared to life, indicating a stop to our destination. I stole but a single glance out the window again, frowning at the view before me. I would not enjoy living here. Shaking my head from my pitiful thoughts, I picked up our luggage with one haul, hurrying over to the nearest exit. 

As I stepped out, the filthy scent of dirt and manure filled the air around me, causing the scowl on my face to only grow. Shifting one bag around my shoulder, I took Wesley’s hand and helped him off the train. For the sake of us - for the sake of him, I had to at least try and stay positive. After all, who knew how long we’d be staying in this isolated town for anyway? The sooner we got used to living in the countryside, the better. 

With a deep breath, I ruffled my brother’s hair affectionately, causing him to scrunch his nose. He looked up at me and I mustered a small, yet admittedly weak smile. 

“Let’s go home?” I requested, hoping he’d heard me through all the noise of the other passengers who were just exiting the train. 

Much to my relief, he nodded. “Let’s.”

Author's Note:

If you're wondering about the short chapter length, take a look at the summary. I've explained why I have it like that :)

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