Chapter 20

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The Thrill of the Chase


Third Person:

"OH NO, HE fell asleep," Faye said, glancing at the back seat where Wesley was, without a doubt, sound asleep. 

Earlier that day, Emma had insisted on Arvin to drop her off at home first because she wanted to get started on dinner plans. This had left Faye, Arvin, Lenora and Wesley (who were both asleep) in the car. They'd arrived in front of the Irving house just moments ago.

"Want me to drop him off for you?" Arvin asked, a lit cigarette in his mouth. 

She shook her head. "No, it's fine. I can pick him up too, you know?" 

He smirked at her. "You sure you're up for that challenge?"

"Are you really questioning my strength right now? Even after what happened at town a while ago?" 

It didn't take a genius to know what Faye was talking about. Just by the distant look in Arvin's eyes, she could tell that he had remembered. Because he was a man who probably had a larger than life ego, it definitely shouldn't have been a pleasant memory. 

He raised his hands in mock surrender. "No, ma'am." After a moment he added, "For the record, that was weeks ago." 

Faye teasingly rolled her eyes. "Doesn't make it any less true." Turning the handle of her door, she only paused when Arvin had called her name. 

She looked at him in question. "Yeah?" 

Whatever he was about to say next, he had visibly changed his mind and instead resorted to shaking his head. "Nothing . . . Just stay safe."

Smiling at him, she then opened up the car door and hopped off. "Tell Len that I said bye." After picking up Wesley carefully from the backseat, she quietly made her way inside of her home. 

Arvin's gaze didn't leave Faye until he was sure that she'd made it inside safely. Even then, although she'd been gone for a few moments now, he'd refused to turn his attention to somewhere else. Something was keeping his focus on her . . . He'd only wished that he could confirm what it was. 

Lenora roughly patted his back to catch his attention, causing Arvin to almost have a heart attack. 

"Thought you were asleep," he muttered, comfortably sitting back in his seat. 

"What can I say? I'd woken up after sensing some tension in the car." He rolled his eyes as she grinned at him knowingly. 

"I got no idea what you're talking about."

"Sure." Lenora crossed her arms proudly. "I bet you don't even know that she feels much the same as you do, huh?"

At this, Arvin had perked up slightly, staring at his little sister suspiciously. "You sure?"

"Ooh, so I stand correct."

He scoffed. "You're really not making any sense right now."

A moment of pondering later and she had pushed his shoulder. "What you waiting around for? Go after her!"

"What? No! She's probably asleep by now."

"It's been only five minutes, Arve. I doubt that's the case." Lenora gave him a blank stare, and when there was no response, she'd prodded impatiently, "Come on! You don't got all day!" 

Arvin hesitantly agreed to his sister's words, which he thought was utter bullshit. Although he had a great doubt at the back of his mind warning him to go back immediately and save himself the embarrassment, he still opened up the car door and stepped out. He gave his sister a look before going up to Faye's house. 

"Don't be gone for too long, Arve! I ain't know how to drive!" Lenora called out lastly from the open car window. He could just feel the stupid grin on her face, and chose to ignore her entirely.

Arvin wasn't sure what to think when he had finally summed up his courage and knocked firmly on the house door. And he certainly wasn't sure what to think when a few moments later, just as he was about to regrettably head back and suffer from the embarrassment of being left unanswered - the door opened widely, revealing the girl that he didn't know he had missed so much in the short time that they'd been apart.


Arvin suddenly woke up to the blaring noise of the car's horn which was hitting against his forehead. He straightened up, his heart beating ten thousand miles per second. Glancing behind him, he'd hoped that he hadn't accidentally woken up Lenora by his laziness. Seeing her still dozed off peacefully, he sighed and revved up the car's engine again and drove away from Faye's house. 

When had he fallen asleep?

More importantly . . . What the Hell was that dream? And why was he weirdly upset that it was only a dream? 


Author's Note:

Chapter 20 special? Something that was in third person? 

Hehe . . . don't get used to it. If anything, I'll only ever do first person from either Faye or Arvin's point of view. 

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